Sound Data File id $00 12 File id Level id $04 17 Level id #Wav header $08 10054 Wav header; don't alter it Duration $3E 2 Duration in 1/60 seconds Size $40 4 Size of the part in the raw file Offset $44 11 At this position starts the part in the raw file Not used $48 1024 Not used *Wave Header Wave Header $08 FmtSize $00 4 Format Chunk Size FormatID $04 2 FormatID (2 = ADPCM) Channels $06 2 Samples/s $08 4 Sample rate Bytes/s $0C 4 Bytes per second Block align $10 2 Bits/sample $12 2 *Extended ADPCM Header $1C ExtSize $00 2 Samples/block $02 2 CoefficientSets $04 2 Set1 $06 4 Set2 $0A 4 Set3 $0E 4 Set4 $12 4 Set5 $16 4 Set6 $1A 4 Set7 $1E 4