#include #include #include #define BUFSZ (1 << 22) #ifdef WIN32 // whatever static double drand48() { double r = rand() / (double)RAND_MAX; return r; } long lrand48() { long l = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { l = l ^ (l << 2) ^ (l << 1) ^ rand(); } return l; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define XD3_WIN32 1 #else #define XD3_POSIX 1 #endif #define XD3_MAIN 1 #define main notmain #define EXTERNAL_COMPRESSION 0 #define XD3_USE_LARGEFILE64 1 #include "xdelta3.c" #undef main double error_prob = 0.0001; usize_t mean_change = 100; xoff_t total_change = 0; xoff_t total_size = 0; usize_t max_change = 0; usize_t num_change = 0; static usize_t edist (usize_t mean, usize_t max) { double mean_d = mean; double erand = log (1.0 / drand48 ()); usize_t x = (usize_t) (mean_d * erand + 0.5); return (x < max) ? (x > 0 ? x : 1) : max; } void modify (char *buf, usize_t size) { usize_t bufpos = 0, j; usize_t last_end = 0; for (;; /* bufpos and j are incremented in the inner loop */) { /* The size of the next modification. */ usize_t next_size = edist (mean_change, 1 << 31); /* The expected interval of such a change. */ double expect_interval = ((double) next_size * (1.0 - error_prob)) / error_prob; /* The number of bytes until the next modification. */ usize_t next_mod = edist ((usize_t)expect_interval, 1 << 31); if (next_size + next_mod + bufpos > size) { break; } if (max_change < next_size) { max_change = next_size; } bufpos += next_mod; fprintf (stderr, "COPY: %I64u-%I64u (%u)\n", total_size + (xoff_t)last_end, total_size + (xoff_t)bufpos, bufpos - last_end); fprintf (stderr, "ADD: %I64u-%I64u (%u) is change %u\n", total_size + (xoff_t)bufpos, total_size + (xoff_t)(bufpos + next_size), next_size, num_change); total_change += next_size; num_change += 1; for (j = 0; j < next_size; j += 1, bufpos += 1) { buf[bufpos] = (char)(lrand48 () >> 3); } last_end = bufpos; } fprintf (stderr, "COPY: %I64u-%I64u (%u)\n", total_size + last_end, total_size + size, size - last_end); total_size += size; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { main_file inp, out; char *buf = malloc(BUFSZ); int c, ret; main_file_init(&inp); main_file_init(&out); option_force = 1; if (argc > 5) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: badcopy [byte_error_prob [mean_error_size]]\n"); return 1; } if (argc > 4) { mean_change = atoi (argv[4]); } if (argc > 3) { error_prob = atof (argv[3]); } fprintf (stderr, "mean change = %u; error_prob = %0.10f\n", mean_change, error_prob); if ((ret = main_file_open (&inp, argv[1], XO_READ)) != 0) { return 1; } if ((ret = main_file_open (&out, argv[2], XO_WRITE)) != 0) { return 1; } if (error_prob < 0.0 || error_prob > 1.0) { fprintf (stderr, "warning: error probability out of range\n"); return 1; } do { if ((ret = main_file_read (&inp, buf, BUFSZ, &c, "read failed")) != 0) { return 1; } if (c == 0) { break; } modify (buf, c); if ((ret = main_file_write (&out, buf, c, "write failed")) != 0) { return 1; } } while (c == BUFSZ); if ((ret = main_file_close (&out))) { return 1; } fprintf (stderr, "add_prob %f; %u adds; total_change %u of %u bytes; add percentage %f; max add size %u\n", error_prob, num_change, total_change, total_size, (double) total_change / (double) total_size, max_change); return 0; }