# Main Frame buttonExit.title=Exit menu.main=&Installer menu.settings=&Settings menu.settingsTooltip=Settings menu.about=&About menu.aboutTooltip=About menu.exit=&Exit\tCtrl+Q menu.exitTooltip=Exit menu.file=&Mods menu.runOniFull=Run &Oni (fullscreen) menu.runOniFullTooltip=Run Oni in fullscreen mode menu.runOniWin=Run Oni (&windowed) menu.runOniWinTooltip=Run Oni in windowed mode menu.openEditionFolder=Open AE folder menu.openEditionFolderTooltip=Open the AE folder in the file explorer menu.refreshLocalMods=Rescan local packages menu.refreshLocalModsTooltip=Scan for manually locally added packages and updated Mod_Info.cfg menu.loadConfig=&Load mod selection... menu.loadConfigTooltip=Load mod selection from a file menu.saveConfig=&Save current mod selection... menu.saveConfigTooltip=Save current mod selection to a file menu.copyConfig=&Copy currently installed mods to clipboard menu.copyConfigTooltip=Copies the currently installed mods to clipboard in format for posting on OCF menu.corePackages=About core packages menu.corePackagesTooltip=View which core packages are used menu.reglobalize=&Re-initialize Edition menu.reglobalizeTooltip=Rebuild Core Data menu.update=&Check for updates menu.updateTooltip=Check for updates to already downloaded packages on the Depot menu.tools=&Tools menu.manageTools=&Manage Tools menu.manageToolsTooltip=Install/Remove Tools menu.mHelp=&Help menu.help=&View online help menu.helpTooltip=Open the online help in a browser menu.report=&Request help... menu.reportTooltip=Request help including log files btnUnSelectAll.text=(Un)select all btnRevertSelection.text=Revert selection btnRevertSelection.tooltip=Select mods which are currently installed btnInstall.text=&Install btnInstall.tooltip=Install selected mods lblModTypes.text=Mod type: lblShowOnly.text=Show only: radAll.text=All radOnline.text=Online radLocal.text=Downloaded radInstalled.text=Installed lblShowFilter.text=Filter: lblSelectedMods.text=Mods selected for installation: lblDownloadSize.text=Size of files to download: updateDepot.title=Updating Mod Depot cache rebuildCore.title=Rebuild Edition core data rebuildCore.text=Rebuilding the core data of the Edition will take some time.\nAlso this normally should never be needed.\nDo you really want to continue? installDependencies.title=Unmet dependencies installDependencies.text=There are unmet dependencies for some mods.\n\nFollowing mods are already downloaded and will be selected:\n%s\n\n\ These mods will have to be additionally downloaded:\n%s\n\n\ Size of files to be downloaded: %s.\n\nContinue? installDependencies.none= installIncompatibilities.title=Incompatible mods installIncompatibilities.text=The following mods are incompatible:\n\n%s\n\nInstallation will be aborted. installIncompatibilities.conflict=Conflict installDone.title=Installation done installDone.text=You can now play AE Oni. installDoneDeps.text=In addition to the manually selected mods the following\nwere installed because they were depended upon:\n%s\n\nYou can now play AE Oni. updatesAvailable.title=Updates available updatesAvailable.text=The following mods and tools have newer versions on the Depot.
Check the packages you want to be updated. updatesAvailableSize.text=Size of files to download is %s.
Update now? updatesNotAvailable.title=No updates available updatesNotAvailable.text=There are currently no updates to the mods and tools you have downloaded. checkOnStartup.text=Check for updates at startup newPackages.title=New packages on Depot newPackages.text=New packages were added to the Depot since last start of AEI.
%1%2 checkNewPackagesOnStartup.text=Check for new packages on startup noOniSplit.title=OniSplit not available noOniSplit.text=The Edition is not yet initialized and OniSplit is missing (offline mode?).\nCan not resume from here, exiting! askInitialize.title=Initialize Edition askInitialize.text=The Edition is not yet initialized.\nIf you do not initialize now the installer will exit.\nInitialize Edition core now? initializingEdition.title=Initializing Edition core installing.title=Installing mods checkCorePackages.title=Checking for core packages coreToolsInstall.title=Installing core tools corePackagesUpdated.title=Updated core packages corePackagesUpdated.text=The following core packages have been updated:%s doUpdate.title=Updating packages startupTips.title=Instructions startupTips.text=

Welcome to Oni's Anniversary Edition Installer!


Please take a moment to read these instructions before you start.

\ jreNotFound.text=This tool requires a JRE but it was not found. jreNotFound.title=No JRE found dotNetNotFound.text=This tool requires a .NET runtime but it was not found. dotNetNotFound.title=No .NET runtime found wineNotFound.text=Wine is required to run a Windows executable on Linux but it was not found. wineNotFound.title=Wine not found notInstalled.text=You have to hit the install button at least once,\neven if you do not want to select any mods right now. notInstalled.title=Not installed oniExeNotFound.text=Oni's executable was not found. oniExeNotFound.title=Oni not found exeNotFound.text=Executable was not found. exeNotFound.title=Exe not found mod=Mod mods=Mods tool=Tool tools=Tools