Readme.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XmlTools v2.0f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------------- Description: ---------------------------------- XmlTools is a command-line modding tool that operates on XML files. It supports many operations in XML files and even non implemented operations using custom javascript code. It is developed in C++ and works in both Mac OS and Windows. An additional guide with examples can be read here: ---------------------------------- Full Features: ---------------------------------- -Update all values in a set of XML elements. (e.g., to reposition an OBAN animation or adjust pelvis height for a TRAM). -Inverts a set of XML elements. (e.g., invert an OBAN animation). -Add new values to a set of XML elements (e.g., add the 'unkillable' flag to some characters in a level). -Remove values from a set of XML elements (e.g., remove boss shields from characters in a level). -Replace values in a set XML elements (e.g., increase the health of characters by replacing the old HP value). -Patch file support allows the modder to list multiple commands in a file, to all be performed at once. -Add custom XML to existing files (patch only). -Remove XML from existing files (patch only). -Select elements using element name, parent element name, attribute name/value and XPath 1.0. -Powerful custom XML editing using javascript (for what you can't do with native operations) (patch only). ---------------------------------- Installation (standalone version): ---------------------------------- Extract XmlTools folder to any place in your computer. Open it with command line on windows or terminal in Mac OS. ---------------------------------- Contacts: ---------------------------------- s10k, "" Oni Central Forum: ->Select forum Oni Wiki: ---------------------------------- Change Log: ---------------------------------- 2.0f, 08-09-2019 -Fixed a deadlock in custom js code ---------------------------------- 2.0e, 16-02-2019 -Fixed bug in the processing of patch files when the target XML contained an apostrophe (') in the path ---------------------------------- 2.0d, 05-10-2017 -Fixed bug in the processing of javascript files for XML custom processing (some files were not being processed) -Some code refactoring to make the code more modular and easier to build (now uses s10k's "shared" libraries for qtcreator projects) ---------------------------------- 2.0c, 30-10-2016 -Fixed bug in --update-elements operation -Added some exception handling -Started migrating some of the source code to C++14 -Upgraded pugixml to latest 1.7 version -Dropped openmp since apple clang doesn't support it, using Qt threads mechanisms now ---------------------------------- 2.0b, 13-06-2014 -Minor code fixes (use of singleton pattern) -Fixed segmentation fault when providing a non-existing element name in patch files operations ---------------------------------- 2.0a, 02-03-2014 -Added multithreading support for @CUSTOM_CODE (performance may increase over 3 times in a quadcore) -Now a warning is given if a user javascript code (@CUSTOM_CODE) takes too much time to finish -Fixed small bug when applying patches with @COMMAND + --no-verbose where some std output should not be displayed -Added double single quotes in @COMMAND to allow single quotes in XPath expressions ---------------------------------- 2.0, 08-02-2014 -Rewrite XmlTools fom the scratch from C# to C++ in order to increase (much!) the performance of the program -The program now uses the following libraries: Qt5, pugixml and jsxml js library -The commands were simplified (they now use unix like syntax) -Update node operation (old updatechainvalues) it now receives the DIFFERENCE between the old value and the new value instead of the new value -Update node operation (old updatechainvalues) relation parameter was removed -The program now only edits files with .xml extension -The program now only reads patches files with .patch or .oni-patch extensions -The patch files now have a XmlTools minimum version -Some patch files operations were renamed and some extra arguments added -Added option to select xml elements by attribute name and value -Added option to select xml elements by XPath 1.0 (should reduce further the need of javascript) -The insertion of xml via patch now support multiple nodes inside tags -Added exclusive option for AEI which allows AEI to pass a list of .oni-patches to process