/** * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Fábio Bento (fabiobento512) * * This library is distributed under the MIT License. See notice at the end * of this file. * */ #include "util.h" namespace Util{ namespace FileSystem { QString normalizePath(QString path){ return path.replace("\\","/"); } QString cutName(QString path){ return path.remove(0,path.lastIndexOf('/')).remove('"'); } QString cutNameWithoutBackSlash(QString path){ return cutName(path).remove('/'); } QString normalizeAndQuote(QString path){ return String::insertQuotes(normalizePath(path)); } // Created from scratch bool copyDir(const QString &fromPath, QString toPath, const bool isRecursive){ QDir fromDir(fromPath); QDir toDir(toPath); if(!toDir.mkdir(fromDir.dirName())){ // create the folder in the destination return false; } // Update toPath to include the folder from "fromPath" toPath = toPath + "/" + fromDir.dirName(); toDir = QDir(toPath); for(const QFileInfo &currFileInfo : fromDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)){ if(currFileInfo.isFile()){ QFile destFile(toPath + "/" + currFileInfo.fileName()); if(!QFile::copy(currFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(),toPath + "/" + currFileInfo.fileName())){ return false; } } else if(isRecursive && currFileInfo.isDir() && currFileInfo.absoluteFilePath() != fromDir.absolutePath()){ if(!copyDir(currFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), toPath, isRecursive)){ return false; } } } return true; } //Copied from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2536524/copy-directory-using-qt (ty roop) bool rmDir(const QString &dirPath) { QDir dir(dirPath); if (!dir.exists()) return true; for(const QFileInfo &info : dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (info.isDir()) { if (!rmDir(info.filePath())) return false; } else { if (!dir.remove(info.fileName())) return false; } } QDir parentDir(QFileInfo(dirPath).path()); return parentDir.rmdir(QFileInfo(dirPath).fileName()); } // Gets all files from a folder filtered by a given wildcard QStringList getFolderFilesByWildcard(const QString &entryFolder, const QString &wildcard, bool isRecursive){ QStringList filesFound; // result files with absolute path QDirIterator it(entryFolder, QDir::Files, (isRecursive ? QDirIterator::Subdirectories : QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags)); while (it.hasNext()){ filesFound << it.next(); } return filterFilesByWildcard(filesFound, wildcard); } // Supports wildcards, and subdirectories with wildcard e.g.: // *.xml // /myXmls/*.xml // // online helper: https://regex101.com/ QStringList filterFilesByWildcard(const QStringList &filePaths, const QString &wildcard){ QStringList resultFiles; QString formattedWildcard; if(wildcard.trimmed().isEmpty()){ return resultFiles; } formattedWildcard=normalizePath(wildcard); // Convert slashes to work in both mac and windows // escape the string so '.' or '(' chars get correctly escaped formattedWildcard = QRegularExpression::escape(formattedWildcard); // replace * by the corresponding regex formattedWildcard.replace("\\*",".*"); // replace ? by the corresponding regex formattedWildcard.replace("\\?","."); // if it doesn't start with any regex wildcard or a subdirectory slash, add a slash to beginning (so the file/folder matches at least the root folder) // We use \\/ instead of / because it was escaped if(!formattedWildcard.startsWith("\\/") && !formattedWildcard.startsWith(".*") && !formattedWildcard.startsWith(".")){ formattedWildcard = "\\/" + formattedWildcard; } // if it is a subdirectory add * to match if(formattedWildcard.startsWith("\\/")){ formattedWildcard = ".*" + formattedWildcard; } formattedWildcard = "^" + formattedWildcard + "$"; // we want a full match (http://stackoverflow.com/a/5752852) QRegularExpression regex(formattedWildcard); for(const QString ¤tFile : filePaths){ if(regex.match(currentFile).hasMatch()){ resultFiles << currentFile; } } return resultFiles; } // Returns empty QString on failure. // Based from here: http://www.qtcentre.org/archive/index.php/t-35674.html (thanks wysota!) QString fileHash(const QString &fileName, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm hashAlgorithm) { QCryptographicHash crypto(hashAlgorithm); QFile file(fileName); file.open(QFile::ReadOnly); while(!file.atEnd()){ crypto.addData(file.read(8192)); } QByteArray hash = crypto.result(); return QString(crypto.result().toHex()); } /** Gets application directory. In mac os gets the .app directory **/ QString getAppPath(){ #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir dir = QDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); if(dir.absolutePath().contains(".app")){ // include bundle, but we don't want it dir.cdUp(); dir.cdUp(); dir.cdUp(); } return dir.absolutePath(); #else return QDir::currentPath(); #endif } bool backupFile(const QString &file, QString newFilename){ if(newFilename.isEmpty()){ newFilename = file; } return QFile::copy(file, newFilename+".bak"); } } namespace String { QString insertApostrophes(const QString &currString){ return "'"+currString+"'"; } QString insertQuotes(const QString &currString){ return "\""+currString+"\""; } QString fullTrim(QString str) { str = str.simplified(); //convert all invisible chars in normal whitespaces str.replace( " ", "" ); return str; } QStringList substring(QString myString, QString separator, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs){ QStringList result = QStringList(); int currIdx=0, nextIdx=0; while(true){ nextIdx=myString.indexOf(separator,currIdx,cs); result << myString.mid(currIdx,nextIdx-currIdx); if(nextIdx==-1) break; currIdx=nextIdx+1; } return result; } QString normalizeDecimalSeparator(QString value){ return value.replace(',','.'); } //Searches for the QString "toSearch" in the "myString" variable backward //Returns the index of the first match or -1 if not found int indexOfBackward(QString myString, QString toSearch, int from){ int myStringSize=myString.size(); int toSearchSize=toSearch.size(); if(from==-1){ from=myStringSize; } int i=from; while(i>=0){ for(int j=toSearchSize-1; j>=0; j--){ i--; if(myString.at(i)!=toSearch.at(j)){ break; } if(j==0){ return i; } } } return -1; } // no problem here with "temporary" cstr // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1971183/when-does-c-allocate-deallocate-string-literals const char* boolToCstr(bool currentBoolean){ return currentBoolean ? "true" : "false"; } } #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB namespace Dialogs { void showInfo(const QString &message, const bool richText){ QMessageBox msgBox; if(richText){ msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); } msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox.setText(message); msgBox.exec(); } void showWarning(const QString &message, const bool richText){ QMessageBox msgBox; if(richText){ msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); } msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText(message); msgBox.exec(); } void showError(const QString &message, const bool richText){ QMessageBox msgBox; if(richText){ msgBox.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); } msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(message); msgBox.exec(); } bool showQuestion(QWidget * parent, QString message, QMessageBox::StandardButton standardButton){ return QMessageBox::question (parent, "Are you sure?", message, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, standardButton)==QMessageBox::Yes; } QMessageBox::StandardButton showQuestionWithCancel(QWidget * parent, QString message, QMessageBox::StandardButton standardButton){ return QMessageBox::question (parent, "Are you sure?", message, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel, standardButton); } QStringList multipleDirSelection(const QString &title){ QFileDialog w; // We need to use non native dialog, because native doesn't support multiple folder selection w.setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog,true); w.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly); w.setWindowTitle(title); QTreeView *t = w.findChild(); if (t) { t->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection); } if(w.exec()){ //if accepted return w.selectedFiles(); } return QStringList(); //return empty } } #endif namespace Validation { // Check if any string in the list is empty bool checkEmptySpaces(QStringList toCheck){ for (const QString ¤t : toCheck){ if(current.trimmed().isEmpty()){ return true; //There are empty spaces } } return false; } bool checkIfIntegers(QStringList toCheck){ for (const QString ¤t : toCheck){ if(!isStringInteger(current)){ return true; // Some aren't valid integers } } return false; } bool checkIfDoubles(QStringList toCheck){ for (const QString ¤t : toCheck){ if(!isStringDouble(current)){ return true; // Some aren't valid doubles } } return false; } bool isStringInteger(QString myString){ bool isNumber; myString.toInt(&isNumber); //convert to int and see if it succeeds return isNumber; } bool isStringDouble(QString myString){ bool isDouble; myString.toDouble(&isDouble); //convert to double and see if it succeeds return isDouble; } } namespace System { #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB // From here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17893328/qt-getting-the-screen-resolution-without-the-extended-monitor ty Chris QRect getScreenResolution(){ QDesktopWidget widget; return widget.availableGeometry(widget.primaryScreen()); // or screenGeometry(), depending on your needs } #endif } #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB namespace TableWidget { void addRow(QTableWidget *myTable, QStringList &columns){ //Get actual number rows int twSize=myTable->rowCount(); //increase the rows for the new item myTable->setRowCount(twSize+1); //Add to table and list to for(int i=0; isetItem(twSize,i,newColumn); // Add a tooltip with with the cell content myTable->item(twSize,i)->setToolTip(myTable->item(twSize,i)->text()); } } QModelIndexList getSelectedRows(QTableWidget *myTable){ return myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows(); } QModelIndexList getCurrentRows(QTableWidget *myTable){ QModelIndexList oldSelection = getSelectedRows(myTable); myTable->selectAll(); QModelIndexList allRows = getSelectedRows(myTable); myTable->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); // Restore old selection for(const QModelIndex ¤tIndex : oldSelection){ myTable->selectionModel()->select(currentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag::Rows); } return allRows; } int getNumberSelectedRows(QTableWidget *myTable){ return getSelectedRows(myTable).size(); } void clearContents(QTableWidget *myTable, const QString ¬hingToClearMessage, const QString &questionToClear){ if(myTable->rowCount()==0){ Dialogs::showInfo(nothingToClearMessage); return; } if(Dialogs::showQuestion(myTable, questionToClear)){ clearContentsNoPrompt(myTable); } } void clearContentsNoPrompt(QTableWidget *myTable){ myTable->clearContents(); myTable->setRowCount(0); } // Adapted from here: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29176317/qtablewidget-checkbox-get-state-and-location void addCheckBox(QTableWidget *myTable, int row, int column, QCheckBox *checkbox){ if(checkbox == nullptr){ checkbox = new QCheckBox(); } QWidget *auxLayoutWidget = new QWidget(myTable); QHBoxLayout* checkBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); checkBoxLayout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0); checkBoxLayout->addWidget(checkbox); checkBoxLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); checkBoxLayout->setSpacing(0); auxLayoutWidget->setLayout(checkBoxLayout); myTable->setCellWidget(row, column, auxLayoutWidget); } // Adapted from here: // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29176317/qtablewidget-checkbox-get-state-and-location QCheckBox* getCheckBoxFromCell(QTableWidget *myTable, int row, int column){ return dynamic_cast(myTable->cellWidget(row, column)->findChild()); } // Adapted from here: // http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/3386-QTableWidget-move-row // Thanks jpn void swapRows(QTableWidget *myTable, const int indexSourceRow, const int indexDestinationRow, bool selectSwappedRow) { // takes and returns the whole row auto takeRow = [&myTable](int row) -> QList { QList rowItems; for (int col = 0; col < myTable->columnCount(); ++col) { rowItems << myTable->takeItem(row, col); } return rowItems; }; // sets the whole row auto setRow = [&myTable](int row, const QList& rowItems) { for (int col = 0; col < myTable->columnCount(); ++col) { myTable->setItem(row, col, rowItems.at(col)); } }; // take whole rows QList sourceItems = takeRow(indexSourceRow); QList destItems = takeRow(indexDestinationRow); // set back in reverse order setRow(indexSourceRow, destItems); setRow(indexDestinationRow, sourceItems); if(selectSwappedRow){ myTable->selectRow(indexDestinationRow); } } void deleteSelectedRows(QTableWidget *myTable){ int size = myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows().size(); for(int i=0; iremoveRow(myTable->selectionModel()->selectedRows().at(size-i-1).row()); } } } #endif #ifdef QT_GUI_LIB namespace StatusBar { void showInfo(QStatusBar * const statusBar, const QString &message){ QPalette myPalete = QPalette(); myPalete.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, QColor(0,38,255)); statusBar->setPalette( myPalete ); statusBar->showMessage(message,10000); //display by 10 seconds } void showError(QStatusBar * const statusBar, const QString &message){ QPalette myPalete = QPalette(); myPalete.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, QColor(255,0,0)); statusBar->setPalette( myPalete ); statusBar->showMessage(message,10000); //display by 10 seconds } void showSuccess(QStatusBar * const statusBar,const QString &message){ QPalette myPalete = QPalette(); myPalete.setColor( QPalette::WindowText, QColor(0,150,0)); statusBar->setPalette( myPalete ); statusBar->showMessage(message,10000); //display by 10 seconds } } #endif } /** * Copyright (c) 2017 - 2018 Fábio Bento (fabiobento512) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */