TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += qt warn_on QT -= gui # The ABI version. !win32:VERSION = 1.0.0 # 1.0.0 is the first stable ABI. # The next binary incompatible change will be 2.0.0 and so on. # The existing QuaZIP policy on changing ABI requires to bump the # major version of QuaZIP itself as well. Note that there may be # other reasons for chaging the major version of QuaZIP, so # in case where there is a QuaZIP major version bump but no ABI change, # the VERSION variable will stay the same. # For example: # QuaZIP 1.0 is released after some 0.x, keeping binary compatibility. # VERSION stays 1.0.0. # Then some binary incompatible change is introduced. QuaZIP goes up to # 2.0, VERSION to 2.0.0. # And so on. # This one handles dllimport/dllexport directives. DEFINES += QUAZIP_BUILD # You'll need to define this one manually if using a build system other # than qmake or using QuaZIP sources directly in your project. CONFIG(staticlib): DEFINES += QUAZIP_STATIC # Input include(quazip.pri) CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { mac: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,_debug) win32: TARGET = $$join(TARGET,,,d) } unix:!symbian { headers.path=$$PREFIX/include/quazip headers.files=$$HEADERS target.path=$$PREFIX/lib/$${LIB_ARCH} INSTALLS += headers target OBJECTS_DIR=.obj MOC_DIR=.moc } win32 { headers.path=$$PREFIX/include/quazip headers.files=$$HEADERS target.path=$$PREFIX/lib INSTALLS += headers target # workaround for qdatetime.h macro bug DEFINES += NOMINMAX } symbian { # Note, on Symbian you may run into troubles with LGPL. # The point is, if your application uses some version of QuaZip, # and a newer binary compatible version of QuaZip is released, then # the users of your application must be able to relink it with the # new QuaZip version. For example, to take advantage of some QuaZip # bug fixes. # This is probably best achieved by building QuaZip as a static # library and providing linkable object files of your application, # so users can relink it. CONFIG += staticlib CONFIG += debug_and_release LIBS += -lezip #Export headers to SDK Epoc32/include directory exportheaders.sources = $$HEADERS exportheaders.path = quazip for(header, exportheaders.sources) { BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "$$header $$exportheaders.path/$$basename(header)" } }