Film File id $00 12 File id Level id $04 17 Level id x-coordinate $08 9 x-coordinate of the start point y-coordinate $0C 9 y-coordinate (height) of the start point z-coordinate $10 9 z-coordinate of the start point Unknown $14 9 Unknown Unknown $18 9 Unknown Look left/right $1C 9 Look from left or right to facing state Look up/down $20 9 Look up or down Film lenght $24 4 Lenght of the film in 1/60 seconds Unknown $28 4 Unknown Unknown $2C 4 Unknown Not used $30 1012 Not used Packages $3C 4 Amount of packages that follow *Package $40 $3C 4 24 Camera angle $00 9 Camera angle in degrees (up / down) Character rotation $04 9 Rotation of the charcter on the y-axis in degrees Unknown $08 2 Unknown Movement $0A 10 Movement bitset Unknown $0B 1 Unknown Unknown $0C 4 Unknown Frames to go $10 4 Number of the frames to go Unknown $14 2 Unknown Unknown $16 2 Unknown