unit DatLinks; interface uses TypeDefs, DataAccess; type THandler = function(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; TDatLinkHandler = record Ext: String[4]; Handler: THandler; end; TDatLinkHandlers = array of TDatLinkHandler; TDatLinks = class private FDatLinkHandlers: TDatLinkHandlers; public property RawListHandlers: TDatLinkHandlers read FDatLinkHandlers; procedure InsertDatLinkHandler(ext: String; handler: THandler); function GetDatLinks(ConnectionID, FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; function GetDatLink(ConnectionID, FileID, DatOffset: Integer): TDatLink; end; var DatLinksManager: TDatLinks; implementation uses ConnectionManager, Classes, SysUtils; function AISA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages * 2); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i*2 + 0].SrcOffset := $20 + i * 352 + $28; Result[i*2 + 0].DestID := -1; Result[i*2 + 0].PosDestExts := 'ONCC'; Result[i*2 + 1].SrcOffset := $20 + i * 352 + $150; Result[i*2 + 1].DestID := -1; Result[i*2 + 1].PosDestExts := 'ONWC'; end; end; end; function AKEV(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..16] of String[4] = ('PNTA', 'PLEA', 'TXCA', 'AGQG', 'AGQR', 'AGQC', 'AGDB', 'TXMA', 'AKVA', 'AKBA', 'IDXA', 'IDXA', 'AKBP', 'ABNA', 'AKOT', 'AKAA', 'AKDA'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 17); for i := 0 to 16 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function AKOT(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..4] of String[4] = ('OTIT', 'OTLF', 'QTNA', 'IDXA', 'IDXA'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 5); for i := 0 to 4 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function CBPI(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 57); for i := 0 to 56 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'Impt'; end; end; function CBPM(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 19); for i := 0 to 18 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'Mtrl'; end; end; function CONS(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..1] of String[4] = ('OFGA', 'M3GM'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $24 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function CRSA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*1100 + $A0; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'ONCC'; end; end; end; function DOOR(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..2] of String[4] = ('OFGA', 'OFGA', 'OBAN'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 3); for i := 0 to 2 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function DPge(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('IGPG'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $40 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function FILM(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..1] of String[4] = ('TRAM', 'TRAM'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $28 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function FXLR(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..1] of String[4] = ('TXMP', 'M3GM'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $0C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function GMAN(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; end; end; end; function HPge(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('IGPG'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $0C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function IGHH(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..1] of String[4] = ('TXMP', 'TXMP'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $24 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function IGPA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'IGPG'; end; end; end; function IGPG(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..3] of String[4] = ('TSFF', '*', 'IGSA', 'IGSA'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 4); Result[0].SrcOffset := $8; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := types[0]; for i := 1 to 3 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $14 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function IGSA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'IGSt'; end; end; end; function IGSt(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('TSFF'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $8 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function Impt(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('*'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $10 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function IPge(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('IGPG'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $0C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function KeyI(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 10); for i := 0 to 9 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $08 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; function M3GA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; end; end; end; function M3GM(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..7] of String[4] = ('PNTA', 'VCRA', 'VCRA', 'TXCA', 'IDXA', 'IDXA', 'TXMP', '*'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 8); for i := 0 to 7 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $0C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function Mtrl(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..0] of String[4] = ('*'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 1); for i := 0 to 0 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $10 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function OBDC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*$18 + 4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'OBAN'; end; end; end; function OBOA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages * 3); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i*3 + 0].SrcOffset := $20 + i*240 + 0; Result[i*3 + 0].DestID := -1; Result[i*3 + 0].PosDestExts := 'M3GA'; Result[i*3 + 0].SrcOffset := $20 + i*240 + 4; Result[i*3 + 0].DestID := -1; Result[i*3 + 1].PosDestExts := 'OBAN'; Result[i*3 + 0].SrcOffset := $20 + i*240 + 8; Result[i*3 + 0].DestID := -1; Result[i*3 + 2].PosDestExts := 'ENVP'; end; end; end; function OFGA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages * 2 + 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $18; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'ENVP'; if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[1 + i*2 + 0].SrcOffset := $20 + i*12 + 4; Result[1 + i*2 + 0].DestID := -1; Result[1 + i*2 + 0].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; Result[1 + i*2 + 1].SrcOffset := $20 + i*12 + 8; Result[1 + i*2 + 1].DestID := -1; Result[1 + i*2 + 1].PosDestExts := 'OBLS'; end; end; end; function ONCC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 10); i := 0; Result[i].SrcOffset := $28; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $434; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'ONCV'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $438; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'ONCP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $43C; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'ONIA'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C3C; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRBS'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C40; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRMA'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C44; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'CBPM'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C48; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'CBPI'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C88; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRAC'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $C8C; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRSC'; end; function ONCV(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $8; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := '*'; end; function ONLV(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..12] of String[4] = ('AKEV', 'OBOA', 'ONMA', 'ONFA', 'ONTA', 'ONSK', 'AISA', 'AITR', 'ONSA', 'OBDC', 'ONOA', 'ENVP', 'CRSA'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 13); for i := 0 to 5 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $48 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; for i := 0 to 5 do begin Result[i+6].SrcOffset := $64 + i*4; Result[i+6].DestID := -1; Result[i+6].PosDestExts := types[i+6]; end; Result[12].SrcOffset := $300; Result[12].DestID := -1; Result[12].PosDestExts := types[12]; end; function ONOA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*8 + 4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'IDXA'; end; end; end; function ONSK(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 20); for i := 0 to 19 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $08 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; function ONVL(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'ONCV'; end; end; end; function ONWC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 9); i := 0; Result[i].SrcOffset := $28; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $34; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $40; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $54; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $58; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $5C; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $60; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $6FC; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $700; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; function OPge(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $0C; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'IGPA'; end; function PSpc(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $50; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := '*'; end; function PSpL(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*8 + 4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := '*'; end; end; end; function PSUI(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 44); for i := 0 to 43 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $08 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'PSpc'; end; end; function StNA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TStr'; end; end; end; function TMRA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := '*'; end; end; end; function TRAC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages + 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $18; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'TRAC'; if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i+1].SrcOffset := $20 + i*12 + 8; Result[i+1].DestID := -1; Result[i+1].PosDestExts := 'TRAM'; end; end; end; function TRAM(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $40 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRAM'; end; end; function TRAS(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $08; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'TRAM'; end; function TRBS(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 5); for i := 0 to 4 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $08 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRCM'; end; end; function TRCM(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..2] of String[4] = ('TRGA', 'TRTA', 'TRIA'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 3); for i := 0 to 2 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $5C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; end; function TRGA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; end; end; end; function TRGE(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $20; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; end; function TRIG(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; const types: array[0..3] of String[4] = ('M3GM', 'OBLS', 'TRGE', 'OBAN'); var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 4); for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $18 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := types[i]; end; for i := 0 to 1 do begin Result[i+2].SrcOffset := $24 + i*4; Result[i+2].DestID := -1; Result[i+2].PosDestExts := types[i+2]; end; end; function TRMA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; end; function TRSC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1E, 2, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TRAS'; end; end; end; function TSFF(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages + 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $18; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'TSFL'; if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i+1].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i+1].DestID := -1; Result[i+1].PosDestExts := 'TSFT'; end; end; end; function TSFT(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 256); for i := 0 to 255 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $1C + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TSGA'; end; end; function TURR(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, 4); i := 0; Result[i].SrcOffset := $60; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $64; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'OBLS'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $6C; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; Inc(i); Result[i].SrcOffset := $74; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'M3GM'; end; function TXAN(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; end; function TXMA(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; end; function TXMB(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; end; end; function TXMP(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 2); Result[0].SrcOffset := $94; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := '*'; Result[1].SrcOffset := $98; Result[1].DestID := -1; Result[1].PosDestExts := 'TXMP'; end; function TxtC(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0].SrcOffset := $08; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'IGPA'; end; function WMCL(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*8 + 4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := '*'; end; end; end; function WMDD(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $11C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $120 + i*292 + $114; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'TSFF'; end; end; end; function WMMB(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var packages: Integer; i: Integer; begin packages := 0; Connection.LoadDatFilePart(fileid, $1C, 4, @packages); SetLength(Result, packages); if packages > 0 then begin for i := 0 to packages - 1 do begin Result[i].SrcOffset := $20 + i*4; Result[i].DestID := -1; Result[i].PosDestExts := 'WMM_'; end; end; end; function WPge(Connection: TDataAccess; FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; begin SetLength(Result, 2); Result[0].SrcOffset := $08; Result[0].DestID := -1; Result[0].PosDestExts := 'ONWC'; Result[1].SrcOffset := $0C; Result[1].DestID := -1; Result[1].PosDestExts := 'IGPG'; end; function TDatLinks.GetDatLink(ConnectionID, FileID, DatOffset: Integer): TDatLink; var i: Integer; DatLinks: TDatLinkList; begin DatLinks := GetDatLinks(ConnectionID, FileID); Result.SrcOffset := -1; Result.DestID := -1; Result.PosDestExts := ''; if Length(DatLinks) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to High(DatLinks) do begin if DatLinks[i].SrcOffset = DatOffset then begin Result.SrcOffset := DatOffset; Result.DestID := DatLinks[i].DestID; Result.PosDestExts := DatLinks[i].PosDestExts; Break; end; end; end; end; function TDatLinks.GetDatLinks(ConnectionID, FileID: Integer): TDatLinkList; var i: Integer; fileinfo: TFileInfo; begin SetLength(Result, 0); fileinfo := ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID].GetFileInfo(FileID); for i := 0 to High(FDatLinkHandlers) do if UpperCase(FDatLinkHandlers[i].Ext) = UpperCase(fileinfo.extension) then begin Result := FDatLinkHandlers[i].Handler(ConManager.Connection[ConnectionID], FileID); Break; end; end; procedure TDatLinks.InsertDatLinkHandler(ext: String; handler: THandler); begin SetLength(FDatLinkHandlers, Length(FDatLinkHandlers) + 1); FDatLinkHandlers[High(FDatLinkHandlers)].Ext := ext; FDatLinkHandlers[High(FDatLinkHandlers)].handler := handler; end; initialization DatLinksManager := TDatLinks.Create; DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('AISA', AISA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('AKEV', AKEV); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('AKOT', AKOT); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('CBPI', CBPI); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('CBPM', CBPM); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('CONS', CONS); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('CRSA', CRSA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('DOOR', DOOR); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('DPge', DPge); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('FILM', FILM); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('FXLR', FXLR); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('GMAN', GMAN); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('HPge', HPge); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IGHH', IGHH); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IGPA', IGPA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IGPG', IGPG); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IGSA', IGSA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IGSt', IGSt); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('Impt', Impt); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('IPge', IPge); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('KeyI', KeyI); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('M3GA', M3GA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('M3GM', M3GM); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('Mtrl', Mtrl); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('OBDC', OBDC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('OBOA', OBOA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('OFGA', OFGA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONCC', ONCC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONCV', ONCV); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONLV', ONLV); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONOA', ONOA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONSK', ONSK); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONVL', ONVL); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('ONWC', ONWC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('OPge', OPge); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('PSpc', PSpc); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('PSpL', PSpL); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('PSUI', PSUI); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('StNA', StNA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TMRA', TMRA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRAC', TRAC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRAM', TRAM); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRAS', TRAS); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRBS', TRBS); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRCM', TRCM); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRGA', TRGA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRGE', TRGE); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRIG', TRIG); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRMA', TRMA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TRSC', TRSC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TSFF', TSFF); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TSFT', TSFT); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TURR', TURR); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TXAN', TXAN); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TXMA', TXMA); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TXMB', TXMB); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TXMP', TXMP); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('TxtC', TxtC); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('WMCL', WMCL); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('WMDD', WMDD); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('WMMB', WMMB); DatLinksManager.InsertDatLinkHandler('WPge', WPge); end.