unit Extractor; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Template, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Menus, Buttons, StrUtils; type TForm_Extractor = class(TForm_ToolTemplate) group_extract: TGroupBox; check_dat: TCheckBox; check_raw: TCheckBox; check_convert: TCheckBox; radio_selected: TRadioButton; label_export_sel: TLabel; radio_all: TRadioButton; label_path: TLabel; edit_path: TEdit; btn_path: TButton; btn_export: TButton; group_progress: TGroupBox; lbl_progress: TLabel; lbl_estimated: TLabel; progress: TProgressBar; btn_abort: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_abortClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_pathClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btn_exportClick(Sender: TObject); private public end; var Form_Extractor: TForm_Extractor; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses Main, Functions, Data, OniDataClass, FolderBrowser, Exporters; procedure TForm_Extractor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; Self.AllowMultiSelect := True; edit_path.Text := AppSettings.ExtractPath; end; procedure TForm_Extractor.btn_abortClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('X'); end; procedure TForm_Extractor.btn_pathClick(Sender: TObject); var fb: TFolderBrowser; begin inherited; fb := TFolderBrowser.Create(Handle, 'Please select a folder where you want ' + 'the files to be stored...', edit_path.Text, False, True); if fb.Execute then begin edit_path.Text := fb.SelectedItem; AppSettings.ExtractPath := edit_path.Text; end; fb.Free; end; procedure TForm_Extractor.btn_exportClick(Sender: TObject); var begintime: Double; files: LongWord; i, done: LongWord; selonly: Boolean; fileid: LongWord; filename: String; path: String; begin inherited; panel_files.Enabled := False; group_extract.Enabled := False; group_progress.Visible := True; path := edit_path.Text; if not EndsText('\', path) then path := path + '\'; begintime := Time; lbl_estimated.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: unknown'; progress.Position := 0; selonly := radio_selected.Checked; if selonly then files := filelist.SelCount else files := filelist.Count; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: 0/' + IntToStr(files); progress.Max := files; done := 0; for i := 0 to filelist.Count - 1 do begin if (selonly and filelist.Selected[i]) or not selonly then begin fileid := OniDataConnection.ExtractFileID(filelist.Items.Strings[i]); filename := GetWinFilename(filelist.Items.Strings[i]); if check_dat.Checked then ExportDatFile(fileid, path + filename); if check_raw.Checked then ExportRawFiles(fileid, path + filename); if check_convert.Checked then ExportConverted(fileid, path + filename); Inc(done); end; if ((done mod 10) = 0) and (done >= 50) then lbl_estimated.Caption := 'Estimated finishing time: ' + TimeToStr( (Time - begintime) / done * files + begintime); progress.Position := done; lbl_progress.Caption := 'Files done: ' + IntToStr(done) + '/' + IntToStr(files); Application.ProcessMessages; end; panel_files.Enabled := True; group_extract.Enabled := True; group_progress.Visible := False; end; begin AddToolListEntry('extractor', 'Extractor', ''); end.