unit SQLite3; { Simplified interface for SQLite. Updated for Sqlite 3 by Tim Anderson (tim@itwriting.com) Note: NOT COMPLETE for version 3, just minimal functionality Adapted from file created by Pablo Pissanetzky (pablo@myhtpc.net) which was based on SQLite.pas by Ben Hochstrasser (bhoc@surfeu.ch) } interface const // Return values for sqlite3_exec() and sqlite3_step() SQLITE_OK = 0; // Successful result SQLITE_ERROR = 1; // SQL error or missing database SQLITE_INTERNAL = 2; // An internal logic error in SQLite SQLITE_PERM = 3 ; // Access permission denied SQLITE_ABORT = 4; // Callback routine requested an abort SQLITE_BUSY = 5; // The database file is locked SQLITE_LOCKED = 6; // A table in the database is locked SQLITE_NOMEM = 7; // A malloc() failed SQLITE_READONLY = 8; // Attempt to write a readonly database SQLITE_INTERRUPT = 9; // Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt() SQLITE_IOERR = 10; // Some kind of disk I/O error occurred SQLITE_CORRUPT = 11; // The database disk image is malformed SQLITE_NOTFOUND = 12; // (Internal Only) Table or record not found SQLITE_FULL = 13; // Insertion failed because database is full SQLITE_CANTOPEN = 14; // Unable to open the database file SQLITE_PROTOCOL = 15; // Database lock protocol error SQLITE_EMPTY = 16; // Database is empty SQLITE_SCHEMA = 17; // The database schema changed SQLITE_TOOBIG = 18; // Too much data for one row of a table SQLITE_CONSTRAINT = 19; // Abort due to contraint violation SQLITE_MISMATCH = 20; // Data type mismatch SQLITE_MISUSE = 21; // Library used incorrectly SQLITE_NOLFS = 22; // Uses OS features not supported on host SQLITE_AUTH = 23; // Authorization denied SQLITE_FORMAT = 24; // Auxiliary database format error SQLITE_RANGE = 25; // 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range SQLITE_NOTADB = 26; // File opened that is not a database file SQLITE_ROW = 100; // sqlite3_step() has another row ready SQLITE_DONE = 101; // sqlite3_step() has finished executing SQLITE_INTEGER = 1; SQLITE_FLOAT = 2; SQLITE_TEXT = 3; SQLITE_BLOB = 4; SQLITE_NULL = 5; type TSQLiteDB = Pointer; TSQLiteResult = ^PChar; TSQLiteStmt = Pointer; function SQLite3_Open (dbname: PChar; var db: TSqliteDB): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_open'; function SQLite3_Close (db: TSQLiteDB): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_close'; function SQLite3_Exec (db: TSQLiteDB; SQLStatement: PChar; CallbackPtr: Pointer; Sender: TObject; var ErrMsg: PChar): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_exec'; function SQLite3_Version (): PChar; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_libversion'; function SQLite3_ErrMsg (db: TSQLiteDB): PChar; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_errmsg'; function SQLite3_ErrCode (db: TSQLiteDB): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_errcode'; procedure SQlite3_Free (P: PChar); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_free'; function SQLite3_GetTable (db: TSQLiteDB; SQLStatement: PChar; var ResultPtr: TSQLiteResult; var RowCount: Cardinal; var ColCount: Cardinal; var ErrMsg: PChar): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_get_table'; procedure SQLite3_FreeTable (Table:TSQLiteResult ); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_free_table'; function SQLite3_Complete (P: PChar): boolean; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_complete'; function SQLite3_LastInsertRowID(db: TSQLiteDB): int64; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_last_insert_rowid'; procedure SQLite3_Interrupt (db: TSQLiteDB); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_interrupt'; procedure SQLite3_BusyHandler (db: TSQLiteDB; CallbackPtr: Pointer; Sender: TObject); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name'sqlite3_busy_handler' ; procedure SQLite3_BusyTimeout (db: TSQLiteDB; TimeOut: integer); cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_busy_timeout'; function SQLite3_Changes (db: TSQLiteDB): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_changes'; function SQLite3_TotalChanges (db: TSQLiteDB): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_total_changes'; function SQLite3_Prepare (db: TSQLiteDB; SQLStatement: PChar; nBytes: integer; var hStmt: TSqliteStmt; var pzTail: PChar): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_prepare'; function SQLite3_ColumnCount (hStmt: TSqliteStmt): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_count'; function Sqlite3_ColumnName (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): pchar; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_name'; function Sqlite3_ColumnDeclType (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): pchar; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_decltype'; function Sqlite3_Step (hStmt: TSqliteStmt): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_step'; function SQLite3_DataCount (hStmt: TSqliteStmt): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_data_count'; function Sqlite3_ColumnBlob (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer):pointer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_blob'; function Sqlite3_ColumnBytes (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_bytes'; function Sqlite3_ColumnDouble (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): double; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_double'; function Sqlite3_ColumnInt (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_int'; function Sqlite3_ColumnText (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): pchar; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_text'; function Sqlite3_ColumnType (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_type'; // function Sqlite3_ColumnInt64 (hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ColNum: integer): SqliteInt64; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_column_int64'; function SQLite3_Finalize (hStmt: TSqliteStmt): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_finalize'; function SQLite3_Reset (hStmt: TSqliteStmt): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_reset'; // // In the SQL strings input to sqlite3_prepare() and sqlite3_prepare16(), // one or more literals can be replace by a wildcard "?" or ":N:" where // N is an integer. These value of these wildcard literals can be set // using the routines listed below. // // In every case, the first parameter is a pointer to the sqlite3_stmt // structure returned from sqlite3_prepare(). The second parameter is the // index of the wildcard. The first "?" has an index of 1. ":N:" wildcards // use the index N. // // The fifth parameter to sqlite3_bind_blob(), sqlite3_bind_text(), and //sqlite3_bind_text16() is a destructor used to dispose of the BLOB or //text after SQLite has finished with it. If the fifth argument is the // special value SQLITE_STATIC, then the library assumes that the information // is in static, unmanaged space and does not need to be freed. If the // fifth argument has the value SQLITE_TRANSIENT, then SQLite makes its // own private copy of the data. // // The sqlite3_bind_* routine must be called before sqlite3_step() after // an sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_reset(). Unbound wildcards are interpreted // as NULL. // function SQLite3_BindBlob(hStmt: TSqliteStmt; ParamNum: integer; ptrData: pointer; numBytes: integer; ptrDestructor: pointer): integer; cdecl; external 'sqlite3.dll' name 'sqlite3_bind_blob'; implementation end.