unit BINA; interface uses _FileTypes, Grids; type TFile_BINA = class(TResource) procedure SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); override; private maintype: String; subtype: String; grid: TStringGrid; (* panel: TPanel; save: TButton; *) procedure saveclick(Sender: TObject); public procedure InitDataFields; override; procedure InitEditor; override; end; implementation uses ConnectionManager, Math, Classes, TypeDefs, _DataTypes, Forms, StdCtrls, Controls, StrUtils, Functions, SysUtils; procedure TFile_BINA.InitDataFields; begin inherited; FDataFields := TBlock.Create(Self, nil, 'Base', '', []); with FDataFields do begin AddField(TResourceID, 'FileID', '', []); AddField(TLevelID, 'LevelID', '', []); AddField(TInt, 'RawSize', 'Size of the part in the raw file', [4]); AddField(TRawLink, 'RawOffset', 'At this position starts the part in the raw/sep file', []); AddField(TUnused, 'Not used', '', [16]); end; FDataFields.Update(0, -1); FFileStream.Free; FFileStream := nil; end; procedure TFile_BINA.InitEditor; var subsize: Integer; begin CacheAllRawFiles; SetLength(maintype, 4); FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(maintype[1], 4); maintype := ReverseString(maintype); if maintype = 'OBJC' then begin FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Seek($0C, soFromBeginning); FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(subsize, 4); if subsize > 0 then begin SetLength(subtype, 4); FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Seek($10, soFromBeginning); FRawCaches[0].RawStream.Read(subtype[1], 4); subtype := ReverseString(subtype); if subtype = 'CHAR' then begin end else if subtype = 'CMBT' then begin end else if subtype = 'CONS' then begin end else if subtype = 'DOOR' then begin end else if subtype = 'FLAG' then begin end else if subtype = 'FURN' then begin end else if subtype = 'MELE' then begin end else if subtype = 'NEUT' then begin end else if subtype = 'PART' then begin end else if subtype = 'PATR' then begin end else if subtype = 'PWRU' then begin end else if subtype = 'SNDG' then begin end else if subtype = 'TRGV' then begin FEditor := TFrame.Create(nil); grid := TStringGrid.Create(FEditor); grid.Align := alClient; grid.DefaultRowHeight := 18; grid.DefaultColWidth := 100; grid.ColCount := 8; grid.RowCount := 2; grid.FixedRows := 1; grid.FixedCols := 0; grid.ColWidths[0] := 150; grid.ColWidths[1] := 125; grid.ColWidths[2] := 125; grid.ColWidths[3] := 125; grid.Cells[0, 0] := 'TrgName'; grid.Cells[1, 0] := 'FuncName Enter'; grid.Cells[2, 0] := 'FuncName Inside'; grid.Cells[3, 0] := 'FuncName Leave'; grid.Cells[4, 0] := 'Teams'; grid.Cells[5, 0] := 'Settings'; grid.Cells[6, 0] := 'X, Y, Z'; grid.Cells[7, 0] := 'Size X, Y, Z'; grid.Options := [goColSizing,goEditing, goVertLine,goHorzLine,goFixedVertLine,goFixedHorzLine]; grid.Parent := FEditor; end else if subtype = 'TRIG' then begin end else if subtype = 'TURR' then begin end else if subtype = 'WEAP' then begin end; end; end else if maintype = 'ONIE' then begin end else if maintype = 'PAR3' then begin end else if maintype = 'SABD' then begin end else if maintype = 'TMBD' then begin end; DiscardAllRawCaches; (* panel := TPanel.Create(FEditor); panel.Align := alBottom; panel.Height := 30; panel.Parent := FEditor; save := TButton.Create(panel); save.Top := 2; save.Left := 2; save.Width := 100; save.Height := 26; save.Caption := 'Save'; save.OnClick := saveclick; save.Parent := panel; *) end; procedure TFile_BINA.saveclick(Sender: TObject); var i,j: Integer; temps: String; fs: TFileStream; offset: Integer; begin (* fs := TFileStream.Create('C:\Spiele\Oni\GameDataFolder\tests\messages_raw_recreated.hex', fmCreate); i := grid.RowCount - 2; FFileStream.Seek($1C, soFromBeginning); FFileStream.Write(i, 4); FFileStream.Size := $20 + i * 4; for i := 0 to grid.RowCount - 2 do begin for j := 0 to 1 do begin if j = 0 then begin offset := fs.Size; FFileStream.Seek($20 + i*4, soFromBeginning); FFileStream.Write(offset, 4); end; temps := grid.Cells[j, i+1]; SetLength(temps, Length(temps)+1); temps[Length(temps)] := #0; fs.Write(temps[1], Length(temps)); end; end; fs.Free; fs := TFileStream.Create('C:\Spiele\Oni\GameDataFolder\tests\messages_dat_recreated.hex', fmCreate); ReCreateFile(fs); fs.Free; *)end; procedure TFile_BINA.SetOpened(Opened: Boolean); var i: Integer; cursize: Integer; curoffset: Integer; raw: TMemoryStream; tempi: Integer; temps: String; j: Integer; tempf: Single; begin inherited; if Opened then begin CacheAllRawFiles; raw := FRawCaches[0].RawStream; if maintype = 'OBJC' then begin if subtype = 'TRGV' then begin i := 0; curoffset := $0C; raw.Seek(curoffset, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(cursize, 4); while cursize > 0 do begin Inc(i); grid.RowCount := 1 + i; grid.Cells[0, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $24); grid.Cells[1, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $63); grid.Cells[2, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $83); grid.Cells[3, i] := ReadString(raw, curoffset + 4 + $A3); raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $C3, soFromBeginning); tempi := 0; raw.Read(tempi, 1); if tempi > 0 then begin temps := ''; for j := 0 to 7 do begin if tempi and (1 shl j) > 0 then begin if Length(temps) > 0 then temps := temps + ', ' + IntToStr(1 shl j) else temps := IntToStr(1 shl j); end; end; end else temps := '0'; grid.Cells[4, i] := temps; raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $15C, soFromBeginning); tempi := 0; raw.Read(tempi, 1); if tempi > 0 then begin temps := ''; for j := 0 to 7 do begin if tempi and (1 shl j) > 0 then begin if Length(temps) > 0 then temps := temps + ', ' + IntToStr(1 shl j) else temps := IntToStr(1 shl j); end; end; end else temps := '0'; grid.Cells[5, i] := temps; raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $0C, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := FormatFloat('#0', tempf); raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $10, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $14, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); grid.Cells[6, i] := temps; raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $C7, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := FormatFloat('#0', tempf); raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $CB, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); raw.Seek(curoffset + 4 + $CF, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(tempf, 4); temps := temps + ', ' + FormatFloat('#0', tempf); grid.Cells[7, i] := temps; curoffset := curoffset + cursize + 4; raw.Seek(curoffset, soFromBeginning); raw.Read(cursize, 4); end; end; end; end else begin Exit; end; end; end.