#!/bin/bash MD5_VANILLA="7d96ffd6da21cc3f419e42f7227642fd" MD5_FIRST63="50374bed7f84c51bdcdcefd6300ddb84" MD5_LAST32="c5e46781d21cd4414e92d91502512500" echo "Welcome to the Oni 2 (Angel Studios) Layout Patch Tool." if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "You need to pass me the path to your ISO of Oni 2. Exiting." exit fi if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then echo "Hmm, there doesn't seem to be any file at the path you passed me. Exiting." exit fi echo "Verifying checksum...." MD5_INPUT=$(md5 "$1") MD5_INPUT=${MD5_INPUT#*= } if [ $MD5_INPUT != $MD5_VANILLA ]; then if [ $MD5_INPUT == $MD5_FIRST63 ]; then echo "This version is already patched to enabled the first 63 layouts! You should see them in the Load Game menu." elif [ $MD5_INPUT == $MD5_LAST32 ]; then echo "This version is already patched to enabled the last 32 layouts! You should see them in the Load Game menu." else echo "Unknown checksum! Sorry, this ISO isn't what I expected." fi echo "Exiting." exit fi echo "You have supplied an unmodified ISO of Oni 2. Do you wish to create a patched copy that enables the first 63 layouts or the last 32? Enter a number from this menu:" | fmt -w 80 echo "(1) First 63." echo "(2) Last 32." echo "(anything else) I changed my mind, please exit." read the_answer if [ -z "$the_answer" ]; then echo "No answer given, so I assume you changed your mind. Exiting." exit elif [ "$the_answer" == "1" ]; then echo "Creating patched version..." ./xdelta3mac.exe -ds "$1" patchFromVanTo63.xd3 ./oni2dev_ps2_first63layouts.iso echo "Verifying checksum...." MD5_OUTPUT=$(md5 ./oni2dev_ps2_first63layouts.iso) MD5_OUTPUT=${MD5_OUTPUT#*= } if [ $MD5_OUTPUT != $MD5_FIRST63 ]; then echo "Uh-oh, something went wrong! Patch failed. Exiting." exit fi elif [ "$the_answer" == "2" ]; then echo "Creating patched version..." ./xdelta3mac.exe -ds "$1" patchFromVanTo32.xd3 ./oni2dev_ps2_last32layouts.iso echo "Verifying checksum...." MD5_OUTPUT=$(md5 ./oni2dev_ps2_last32layouts.iso) MD5_OUTPUT=${MD5_OUTPUT#*= } if [ $MD5_OUTPUT != $MD5_LAST32 ]; then echo "Uh-oh, something went wrong! Patch failed. Exiting." exit fi fi echo "Goodbye."