Most stuff should be selfexplanatory. For the patches you have to patch your ONI.exe with the patch included in the directory "Needed stuff" in this archive. If your ONI crashes after you've applied the patch your ONI.exe is incompatible to those patches and you have to get one that works (but don't worry, the patcher created an backup of your ONI.exe ^^). But you can just ask me for a compatible one ;) If the patch works you still have to copy the OniPlayer.bsl to the directories of any level you want to use the stuff in (Read the header in the file for further instructions). --- YOU'LL NEED THIS STUFF FOR MULTIPLAYER (WHEN IT'S RELEASED) ANYWAYS, --- --- SO DON'T BOTHER TO TEST IT RIGHT NOW ;) --- Any questions/suggestions in the Oni-Central-Forum (, via ICQ (261302456), via AIM (alloc86) or via Mail (