using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Oni.Imaging; namespace Oni.Motoko { internal class TextureImporter : Importer { private static readonly int[] powersOf2 = new[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 }; private static readonly Dictionary formatNames = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "bgr32", TextureFormat.BGR }, { "bgr", TextureFormat.BGR }, { "bgra32", TextureFormat.RGBA }, { "rgba", TextureFormat.RGBA }, { "bgra4444", TextureFormat.BGRA4444 }, { "bgr555", TextureFormat.BGR555 }, { "bgra5551", TextureFormat.BGRA5551 }, { "dxt1", TextureFormat.DXT1 } }; private readonly bool allowLargeTextures; private readonly bool noMipMaps; private readonly TextureFlags defaultFlags; private readonly TextureFormat? defaultFormat; private readonly string envmapName; public static TextureFormat ParseTextureFormat(string name) { TextureFormat format; if (!formatNames.TryGetValue(name, out format)) throw new FormatException(string.Format("Invalid texture format '{0}'", name)); return format; } public TextureImporter(TextureImporterOptions options) { if (options != null) { defaultFormat = options.Format; envmapName = options.EnvironmentMap; defaultFlags = options.Flags & ~TextureFlags.HasMipMaps; noMipMaps = (options.Flags & TextureFlags.HasMipMaps) == 0; allowLargeTextures = true; } } public TextureImporter(string[] args) { foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg.StartsWith("-format:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { TextureFormat formatArg; string formatName = arg.Substring(8); if (!formatNames.TryGetValue(formatName, out formatArg)) throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Unknown texture format {0}", formatName)); defaultFormat = formatArg; } else if (arg.StartsWith("-envmap:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { string envmap = arg.Substring(8); if (envmap.Length > 0) envmapName = envmap; } else if (arg == "-large") { allowLargeTextures = true; } else if (arg == "-nouwrap") { defaultFlags |= TextureFlags.NoUWrap; } else if (arg == "-novwrap") { defaultFlags |= TextureFlags.NoVWrap; } else if (arg == "-nomipmaps") { noMipMaps = true; } } } public override void Import(string filePath, string outputDirPath) { var texture = new Texture { Name = DecodeFileName(filePath), Flags = defaultFlags }; LoadImage(texture, filePath); if (envmapName != null) { texture.EnvMap = new Texture(); texture.EnvMap.Name = envmapName; } BeginImport(); TextureDatWriter.Write(texture, this); Write(outputDirPath); } private void LoadImage(Texture texture, string filePath) { var surfaces = new List(); switch (Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLowerInvariant()) { case ".tga": surfaces.Add(TgaReader.Read(filePath)); break; case ".dds": surfaces.AddRange(DdsReader.Read(filePath, noMipMaps)); break; default: #if !NETCORE surfaces.Add(SysReader.Read(filePath)); #endif break; } if (surfaces.Count == 0) throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Could not load image '{0}'", filePath)); var mainSurface = surfaces[0]; if (Array.IndexOf(powersOf2, mainSurface.Width) == -1) Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: Texture '{0}' width is not a power of 2", filePath); if (Array.IndexOf(powersOf2, mainSurface.Height) == -1) Console.Error.WriteLine("Warning: Texture '{0}' height is not a power of 2", filePath); if (surfaces.Count == 1) { mainSurface.CleanupAlpha(); } if (mainSurface.Format == SurfaceFormat.DXT1 && defaultFormat != null && defaultFormat != TextureFormat.DXT1) { // // If the source image is DXT1 but the target is not then we can convert here // to a more flexible image format. // for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Count; i++) surfaces[i] = surfaces[i].Convert(SurfaceFormat.RGBA); mainSurface = surfaces[0]; } if (!allowLargeTextures && (mainSurface.Width > 256 || mainSurface.Height > 256)) { if (surfaces.Count == 1) { int sx = mainSurface.Width / 256; int sy = mainSurface.Height / 256; int s = Math.Max(sx, sy); mainSurface = mainSurface.Resize(mainSurface.Width / s, mainSurface.Height / s); surfaces[0] = mainSurface; } else { while (surfaces.Count > 0 && (surfaces[0].Width > 256 || surfaces[0].Height > 256)) surfaces.RemoveAt(0); mainSurface = surfaces[0]; } } if (surfaces.Count == 1 && !noMipMaps && mainSurface.Format != SurfaceFormat.DXT1) { var surface = mainSurface; while (surface.Width > 1 || surface.Height > 1) { int width = Math.Max(surface.Width >> 1, 1); int height = Math.Max(surface.Height >> 1, 1); surface = surface.Resize(width, height); surfaces.Add(surface); } } var convertToFormat = mainSurface.Format; if (defaultFormat != null) { texture.Format = defaultFormat.Value; convertToFormat = texture.Format.ToSurfaceFormat(); } else { switch (mainSurface.Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BGRA4444: texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA4444; break; case SurfaceFormat.BGRX5551: texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGR555; break; case SurfaceFormat.BGR565: texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGR555; break; case SurfaceFormat.BGRA5551: texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA5551; break; case SurfaceFormat.BGRX: case SurfaceFormat.RGBX: texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGR; convertToFormat = SurfaceFormat.BGRX; break; case SurfaceFormat.BGRA: case SurfaceFormat.RGBA: // // We don't do RGBA32 unless specifically required because // Oni needs a patch to support it. // texture.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA4444; convertToFormat = SurfaceFormat.BGRA4444; break; case SurfaceFormat.DXT1: texture.Format = TextureFormat.DXT1; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Image format {0} cannot be imported", mainSurface.Format)); } } if (convertToFormat != mainSurface.Format) { for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Count; i++) surfaces[i] = surfaces[i].Convert(convertToFormat); mainSurface = surfaces[0]; } if (texture.Format != TextureFormat.RGBA) texture.Flags |= TextureFlags.SwapBytes; texture.Width = mainSurface.Width; texture.Height = mainSurface.Height; texture.Surfaces.AddRange(surfaces); } } }