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EXPRESSION EXPRESSION is false EXPRESSION1 -a EXPRESSION2 both EXPRESSION1 and EXPRESSION2 are true EXPRESSION1 -o EXPRESSION2 either EXPRESSION1 or EXPRESSION2 is true -a, --all same as -b -d --login -p -r -t -T -u -b, --boot time of last system boot -d, --dead print dead processes -H, --heading print line of column headings -b FILE FILE exists and is block special -c FILE FILE exists and is character special -d FILE FILE exists and is a directory -e FILE FILE exists -l produce long format output for the specified USERs -b omit the user's home directory and shell in long format -h omit the user's project file in long format -p omit the user's plan file in long format -s do short format output, this is the default -n STRING the length of STRING is nonzero STRING equivalent to -n STRING -z STRING the length of STRING is zero STRING1 = STRING2 the strings are equal STRING1 != STRING2 the strings are not equal ARG1 * ARG2 arithmetic product of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 arithmetic quotient of ARG1 divided by ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 arithmetic remainder of ARG1 divided by ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 arithmetic sum of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 - ARG2 arithmetic difference of ARG1 and ARG2 ARG1 < ARG2 ARG1 is less than ARG2 ARG1 <= ARG2 ARG1 is less than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 ARG1 is equal to ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 ARG1 is unequal to ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 ARG1 is greater than or equal to ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 ARG1 is greater than ARG2 FILE1 -ef FILE2 FILE1 and FILE2 have the same device and inode numbers FILE1 -nt FILE2 FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2 FILE1 -ot FILE2 FILE1 is older than FILE2 INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2 INTEGER1 -ne INTEGER2 INTEGER1 is not equal to INTEGER2 STRING : REGEXP anchored pattern match of REGEXP in STRING match STRING REGEXP same as STRING : REGEXP substr STRING POS LENGTH substring of STRING, POS counted from 1 index STRING CHARS index in STRING where any CHARS is found, or 0 length STRING length of STRING b create a block (buffered) special file c, u create a character (unbuffered) special file p create a FIFO # users=%lu A field is a run of blanks (usually spaces and/or TABs), then non-blank characters. Fields are skipped before chars. A mere - implies -i. If no COMMAND, print the resulting environment. After any flags comes an optional field width, as a decimal number; then an optional modifier, which is either E to use the locale's alternate representations if available, or O to use the locale's alternate numeric symbols if available. An omitted EXPRESSION defaults to false. Otherwise, EXPRESSION is true or false and sets exit status. It is one of: As a special case, cp makes a backup of SOURCE when the force and backup options are given and SOURCE and DEST are the same name for an existing, regular file. Beware that many operators need to be escaped or quoted for shells. Comparisons are arithmetic if both ARGs are numbers, else lexicographical. Pattern matches return the string matched between \( and \) or null; if \( and \) are not used, they return the number of characters matched or 0. Both MAJOR and MINOR must be specified when TYPE is b, c, or u, and they must be omitted when TYPE is p. If MAJOR or MINOR begins with 0x or 0X, it is interpreted as hexadecimal; otherwise, if it begins with 0, as octal; otherwise, as decimal. TYPE may be: By default, rm does not remove directories. Use the --recursive (-r or -R) option to remove each listed directory, too, along with all of its contents. Each FLAG symbol may be: append append mode (makes sense only for output; conv=notrunc suggested) Examples: %s f - g Output f's contents, then standard input, then g's contents. %s Copy standard input to standard output. Examples: %s root /u Change the owner of /u to "root". %s root:staff /u Likewise, but also change its group to "staff". %s -hR root /u Change the owner of /u and subfiles to "root". Examples: %s staff /u Change the group of /u to "staff". %s -hR staff /u Change the group of /u and subfiles to "staff". Except for -h and -L, all FILE-related tests dereference symbolic links. Beware that parentheses need to be escaped (e.g., by backslashes) for shells. INTEGER may also be -l STRING, which evaluates to the length of STRING. Exit status is 0 if EXPRESSION is neither null nor 0, 1 if EXPRESSION is null or 0, 2 if EXPRESSION is syntactically invalid, and 3 if an error occurred. Handle the tty line connected to standard input. Without arguments, prints baud rate, line discipline, and deviations from stty sane. In settings, CHAR is taken literally, or coded as in ^c, 0x37, 0177 or 127; special values ^- or undef used to disable special characters. If first and second call formats both apply, the second format is assumed if the last operand begins with + or (if there are 2 operands) a digit. An OFFSET operand means -j OFFSET. LABEL is the pseudo-address at first byte printed, incremented when dump is progressing. For OFFSET and LABEL, a 0x or 0X prefix indicates hexadecimal; suffixes may be . for octal and b for multiply by 512. NOTE: [ honors the --help and --version options, but test does not. test treats each of those as it treats any other nonempty STRING. NOTE: your shell may have its own version of %s, which usually supersedes the version described here. Please refer to your shell's documentation for details about the options it supports. Note that the -d and -t options accept different time-date formats. Optional - before SETTING indicates negation. An * marks non-POSIX settings. The underlying system defines which settings are available. Print the value of EXPRESSION to standard output. A blank line below separates increasing precedence groups. EXPRESSION may be: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 if it is neither null nor 0, otherwise ARG2 ARG1 & ARG2 ARG1 if neither argument is null or 0, otherwise 0 SETs are specified as strings of characters. Most represent themselves. Interpreted sequences are: \NNN character with octal value NNN (1 to 3 octal digits) \\ backslash \a audible BEL \b backspace \f form feed \n new line \r return \t horizontal tab Use one, and only one of -b, -c or -f. Each LIST is made up of one range, or many ranges separated by commas. Selected input is written in the same order that it is read, and is written exactly once. With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input. With no options, produce three-column output. Column one contains lines unique to FILE1, column two contains lines unique to FILE2, and column three contains lines common to both files. Without any OPTION, print some useful set of identified information. --backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file -b like --backup but does not accept an argument -d, -F, --directory allow the superuser to attempt to hard link directories (note: will probably fail due to system restrictions, even for the superuser) -f, --force remove existing destination files --help display this help and exit --lookup attempt to canonicalize hostnames via DNS -m only hostname and user associated with stdin -p, --process print active processes spawned by init --no-preserve=ATTR_LIST don't preserve the specified attributes --parents use full source file name under DIRECTORY --one-file-system when removing a hierarchy recursively, skip any directory that is on a file system different from that of the corresponding command line argument --strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE argument -S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix --verbose print a diagnostic just before each output file is opened --version output version information and exit oddp same as parenb parodd cs7 -oddp same as -parenb cs8 [-]parity same as [-]evenp pass8 same as -parenb -istrip cs8 -pass8 same as parenb istrip cs7 %A locale's full weekday name (e.g., Sunday) %b locale's abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan) %B locale's full month name (e.g., January) %c locale's date and time (e.g., Thu Mar 3 23:05:25 2005) %S second (00..60) %t a tab %T time; same as %H:%M:%S %u day of week (1..7); 1 is Monday %U week number of year, with Sunday as first day of week (00..53) %V ISO week number, with Monday as first day of week (01..53) %w day of week (0..6); 0 is Sunday %W week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53) %h same as %b %H hour (00..23) %I hour (01..12) %j day of year (001..366) %x locale's date representation (e.g., 12/31/99) %X locale's time representation (e.g., 23:13:48) %y last two digits of year (00..99) %Y year -D, --date-format=FORMAT use FORMAT for the header date -e[CHAR[WIDTH]], --expand-tabs[=CHAR[WIDTH]] expand input CHARs (TABs) to tab WIDTH (8) -F, -f, --form-feed use form feeds instead of newlines to separate pages (by a 3-line page header with -F or a 5-line header and trailer without -F) -S FILE FILE exists and is a socket -t FD file descriptor FD is opened on a terminal -u FILE FILE exists and its set-user-ID bit is set -w FILE FILE exists and write permission is granted -x FILE FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted -T, -w, --mesg add user's message status as +, - or ? -u, --users list users logged in --message same as -T --writable same as -T -W, --word-regexp=REGEXP use REGEXP to match each keyword -b, --break-file=FILE word break characters in this FILE -f, --ignore-case fold lower case to upper case for sorting -g, --gap-size=NUMBER gap size in columns between output fields -i, --ignore-file=FILE read ignore word list from FILE -o, --only-file=FILE read only word list from this FILE -a, --across print columns across rather than down, used together with -COLUMN -c, --show-control-chars use hat notation (^G) and octal backslash notation -d, --double-space double space the output -b, --before attach the separator before instead of after -r, --regex interpret the separator as a regular expression -s, --separator=STRING use STRING as the separator instead of newline -b, --bytes count bytes rather than columns -s, --spaces break at spaces -w, --width=WIDTH use WIDTH columns instead of 80 -b, --bytes=LIST select only these bytes -c, --characters=LIST select only these characters -d, --delimiter=DELIM use DELIM instead of TAB for field delimiter -b, --ignore-leading-blanks ignore leading blanks -d, --dictionary-order consider only blanks and alphanumeric characters -f, --ignore-case fold lower case to upper case characters -c, --crown-margin preserve indentation of first two lines -p, --prefix=STRING reformat only lines beginning with STRING, reattaching the prefix to reformatted lines -s, --split-only split long lines, but do not refill -d, --delimiters=LIST reuse characters from LIST instead of TABs -s, --serial paste one file at a time instead of in parallel -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes -E disable interpretation of backslash escapes (default) -e enable interpretation of backslash escapes (default) -E disable interpretation of backslash escapes -f omit the line of column headings in short format -w omit the user's full name in short format -i omit the user's full name and remote host in short format -q omit the user's full name, remote host and idle time in short format -f same as -t fF, select floats -i same as -t dI, select decimal ints -l same as -t dL, select decimal longs -o same as -t o2, select octal 2-byte units -s same as -t d2, select decimal 2-byte units -x same as -t x2, select hexadecimal 2-byte units -f FILE FILE exists and is a regular file -g FILE FILE exists and is set-group-ID -G FILE FILE exists and is owned by the effective group ID -h FILE FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L) -k FILE FILE exists and has its sticky bit set -f, --canonicalize canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively; all but the last component must exist -e, --canonicalize-existing canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively, all components must exist -f, --fields=LIST select only these fields; also print any line that contains no delimiter character, unless the -s option is specified -n (ignored) -g like -l, but do not list owner -i, --inodes list inode information instead of block usage -k like --block-size=1K -l, --local limit listing to local file systems --no-sync do not invoke sync before getting usage info (default) -l use a long listing format -L, --dereference when showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the file the link references rather than for the link itself -m fill width with a comma separated list of entries -l, --login print system login processes -n, --digits=DIGITS use specified number of digits instead of 2 -s, --quiet, --silent do not print counts of output file sizes -z, --elide-empty-files remove empty output files -o, --output=FILE write result to FILE instead of standard output -s, --stable stabilize sort by disabling last-resort comparison -S, --buffer-size=SIZE use SIZE for main memory buffer -q, --count all login names and number of users logged on -r, --runlevel print current runlevel -s, --short print only name, line, and time (default) -t, --time print last system clock change -q, --quiet, --silent never print headers giving file names -v, --verbose always print headers giving file names -r, --references first field of each line is a reference -t, --typeset-mode - not implemented - -w, --width=NUMBER output width in columns, reference excluded -s, --only-delimited do not print lines not containing delimiters --output-delimiter=STRING use STRING as the output delimiter the default is to use the input delimiter -s, --signal=SIGNAL, -SIGNAL specify the name or number of the signal to be sent -l, --list list signal names, or convert signal names to/from numbers -t, --table print a table of signal information -s, --symbolic-link make symbolic links instead of copying -S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix -t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY -T, --no-target-directory treat DEST as a normal file -t equivalent to -vT -T, --show-tabs display TAB characters as ^I -u (ignored) -v, --show-nonprinting use ^ and M- notation, except for LFD and TAB -u, --update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing -v, --verbose explain what is being done -x, --one-file-system stay on this file system -w, --check-chars=N compare no more than N characters in lines [:graph:] all printable characters, not including space [:lower:] all lower case letters [:print:] all printable characters, including space [:punct:] all punctuation characters [:space:] all horizontal or vertical whitespace [:upper:] all upper case letters [:xdigit:] all hexadecimal digits [=CHAR=] all characters which are equivalent to CHAR \v vertical tab CHAR1-CHAR2 all characters from CHAR1 to CHAR2 in ascending order [CHAR*] in SET2, copies of CHAR until length of SET1 [CHAR*REPEAT] REPEAT copies of CHAR, REPEAT octal if starting with 0 [:alnum:] all letters and digits [:alpha:] all letters [:blank:] all horizontal whitespace [:cntrl:] all control characters [:digit:] all digits binary use binary I/O for data direct use direct I/O for data dsync use synchronized I/O for data excl fail if the output file already exists nocreat do not create the output file notrunc do not truncate the output file noerror continue after read errors fdatasync physically write output file data before finishing fsync likewise, but also write metadata noatime do not update access time noctty do not assign controlling terminal from file nofollow do not follow symlinks nolinks fail if multiply-linked nonblock use non-blocking I/O none, off never make backups (even if --backup is given) numbered, t make numbered backups existing, nil numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise simple, never always make simple backups sync likewise, but also for metadata text use text I/O for data (backup: %s) * [-]iutf8 assume input characters are UTF-8 encoded TTY groups= old on repetition %s %.*s: invalid conversion specification%b %e %Y%b %e %H:%M%lu user%lu users%s (for regexp %s)%s -> %s (unbackup) %s [-d] terminated abnormally%s and %s are the same file%s exists but is not a directory%s has become accessible%s has become inaccessible%s has unknown file type%s is not a valid positive integer%s is too large%s: %s: line number out of range%s: %s: match not found%s: %s:%s: disorder: %s: binary operator expected%s: can make relative symbolic links only in current directory%s: cannot change nonblocking mode%s: cannot overwrite directory%s: cannot rewind%s: cannot seek%s: cannot seek to end-relative offset %s%s: cannot seek to offset %s%s: cannot seek to relative offset %s%s: cannot shred append-only file descriptor%s: couldn't reset non-blocking mode%s: descend into directory %s? %s: descend into write-protected directory %s? %s: end of file%s: equivalence class operand must be a single character%s: error truncating%s: error writing at offset %s%s: expected a numeric value%s: failed to close%s: failed to open for writing%s: failed to remove%s: fcntl failed%s: fdatasync failed%s: file has negative size%s: file has shrunk too much%s: file too large%s: file too long%s: file truncated%s: fstat failed%s: fsync failed%s: hard link not allowed for directory%s: input contains a loop:%s: input contains an odd number of tokens%s: input file is output file%s: integer expected after delimiter%s: invalid count at start of %s%s: invalid directive%s: invalid field specification %s%s: invalid file type%s: invalid pattern%s: invalid process id%s: invalid regular expression: %s%s: invalid signal%s: line number must be greater than zero%s: line number out of range%s: lseek failed%s: multiple signals specified%s: new permissions are %s, not %s%s: no properly formatted %s checksum lines found%s: no size information for this device%s: not listing already-listed directory%s: number of bytes is too large%s: overwrite %s? %s: pass %lu/%lu (%s)...%s: pass %lu/%lu (%s)...%s%s: pass %lu/%lu (%s)...%s/%s %d%%%s: read error%s: remove %s %s? %s: remove write-protected %s %s? %s: removed%s: removing%s: renamed to %s%s: replace %s? %s: seek failed%s: too many checksum lines%s: unable to determine maximum file name length%s: unable to perform all requested operations%s: unary operator expected%s: value not completely converted%s: write error%s:%lu: invalid line; missing second token%s:%lu: unrecognized keyword %s'(C), load average: %.2f--context (-Z) works only on an SELinux-enabled kernel-R --dereference requires either -H or -L-R -h requires -P-ef does not accept -l-nt does not accept -l-ot does not accept -l??? Address family for hostname not supportedAll requests doneArgument buffer too smallArnold RobbinsAvailAvailableBad value for ai_flagsCOMMENTCall the link function to create a link named FILE2 to an existing FILE1. Call the unlink function to remove the specified FILE. CapacityColin PlumbCompare sorted files FILE1 and FILE2 line by line. Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. -a, --append append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite -i, --ignore-interrupts ignore interrupt signals David M. IhnatDavid MacKenzieDavid MadoreDirectory: Dmitry V. LevinEXITEcho the STRING(s) to standard output. -n do not output the trailing newline Exit with a status code indicating failure.Exit with a status code indicating success.Exit with the status determined by EXPRESSION. F. PinardFAILEDFIXME: unknownFifos do not have major and minor device numbers.FilesystemH. Peter AnvinIDLEIFreeIUse%IUsedIan Lance TaylorIdleIn real life: InodesInterrupted by a signalInvalid back referenceInvalid character class nameInvalid collation characterInvalid content of \{\}Invalid preceding regular expressionInvalid range endInvalid regular expressionJames YoungmanJay LepreauJim KingdonJim MeyeringJoseph ArceneauxKaveh GhaziKayvan AghaiepourKevin BraunsdorfLINELoginLogin name: Mark KettenisMatthew BradburnMemory allocation failureMemory exhaustedMichael MeskesMichael StoneMike HaertelMike ParkerMounted onNAMENameName or service not knownNo address associated with hostnameNo matchNo previous regular expressionNon-recoverable failure in name resolutionOKOnly one string may be given when deleting without squeezing repeats.Ordering options: Output commands to set the LS_COLORS environment variable. Determine format of output: -b, --sh, --bourne-shell output Bourne shell code to set LS_COLORS -c, --csh, --c-shell output C shell code to set LS_COLORS -p, --print-database output defaults Output who is currently logged in according to FILE. If FILE is not specified, use %s. %s as FILE is common. PIDParameter string not correctly encodedPaul EggertPaul RubinPete TerMaatPlan: Premature end of regular expressionPrint ARGUMENT(s) according to FORMAT, or execute according to OPTION: Print CRC checksum and byte counts of each FILE. Print certain system information. With no OPTION, same as -s. -a, --all print all information, in the following order, except omit -p and -i if unknown: -s, --kernel-name print the kernel name -n, --nodename print the network node hostname -r, --kernel-release print the kernel release Print machine architecture. Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. -s, --silent, --quiet print nothing, only return an exit status Print the full filename of the current working directory. Print the name of the current user. Print the user name associated with the current effective user ID. Same as id -un. Processing request in progressProject: Q. Frank XiaRandy SmithRegular expression too bigRequest canceledRequest not canceledRichard M. StallmanRichard MlynarikRoland HuebnerRoland McGrathRoss PatersonRun COMMAND with root directory set to NEWROOT. Run COMMAND, ignoring hangup signals. Russell CokerScott BartramScott MillerServname not supported for ai_socktypeSet LC_ALL='C' to work around the problem.Shell: Simon JosefssonSizeSpecial files require major and minor device numbers.Stuart KempSuccessSystem errorTIMETemporary failure in name resolutionThe strings compared were %s and %s.Torbjorn GranlundTrailing backslashTwo strings must be given when translating.TypeUlrich DrepperUnknown errorUnknown system errorUnmatched ( or \(Unmatched ) or \)Unmatched \{Usage: %s COMMAND [ARG]... or: %s OPTION Usage: %s CONTEXT COMMAND [args] or: %s [ -c ] [-u USER] [-r ROLE] [-t TYPE] [-l RANGE] COMMAND [args] Usage: %s EXPRESSION or: %s OPTION Usage: %s FILE or: %s OPTION Usage: %s FILE1 FILE2 or: %s OPTION Usage: %s FORMAT [ARGUMENT]... or: %s OPTION Usage: %s OPTION... [FILE]... Usage: %s [-s SIGNAL | -SIGNAL] PID... or: %s -l [SIGNAL]... or: %s -t [SIGNAL]... Usage: %s [FILE]... or: %s [OPTION] Usage: %s [NAME] or: %s OPTION Print or set the hostname of the current system. Usage: %s [NUMBER]... or: %s OPTION Usage: %s [OPERAND]... or: %s OPTION Usage: %s [OPTION] Usage: %s [OPTION] NAME... Usage: %s [OPTION] [COMMAND [ARG]...] Usage: %s [OPTION] [FILE]... Usage: %s [OPTION]... Usage: %s [OPTION]... CONTEXT FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... [-u USER] [-r ROLE] [-l RANGE] [-t TYPE] FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE PATTERN... Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... FILE1 FILE2 Usage: %s [OPTION]... GROUP FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... LAST or: %s [OPTION]... FIRST LAST or: %s [OPTION]... FIRST INCREMENT LAST Usage: %s [OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... OCTAL-MODE FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... NAME TYPE [MAJOR MINOR] Usage: %s [OPTION]... NAME... Usage: %s [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [ FILE | ARG1 ARG2 ] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [+FORMAT] or: %s [-u|--utc|--universal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: %s [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: %s [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST or: %s [OPTION]... SOURCE... DIRECTORY or: %s [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE... or: %s [OPTION]... -d DIRECTORY... Usage: %s [OPTION]... [-] [NAME=VALUE]... [COMMAND [ARG]...] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE] or: %s -e [OPTION]... [ARG]... or: %s -i LO-HI [OPTION]... Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... or: %s [-abcdfilosx]... [FILE] [[+]OFFSET[.][b]] or: %s --traditional [OPTION]... [FILE] [[+]OFFSET[.][b] [+][LABEL][.][b]] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... or: %s [OPTION]... --files0-from=F Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [INPUT]... (without -G) or: %s -G [OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [OWNER][:[GROUP]] FILE... or: %s [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE... Usage: %s [OPTION]... [TEMPLATE] Usage: %s [OPTION]... [USER]... Usage: %s [STRING]... or: %s OPTION Usage: %s [ignored command line arguments] or: %s OPTION Usage: test EXPRESSION or: test or: [ EXPRESSION ] or: [ ] or: [ OPTION Use%UsedValid arguments are:WARNING: Circular directory structure. This almost certainly means that you have a corrupted file system. NOTIFY YOUR SYSTEM MANAGER. The following directory is part of the cycle: %s Warning: WhenWhereWritten by %s and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and others. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s, %s, and %s. Written by %s. [=c=] expressions may not appear in string2 when translating^[nN]^[yY]`a command must be given with an adjustmentai_family not supportedai_socktype not supportedambiguous argument %s for %san input delimiter may be specified only when operating on fieldsbackup typeblock special fileblock special files not supportedblocksboth files cannot be standard inputcan't apply partial context to unlabeled file %scan't get process contextcannot access %scannot backup %scannot both summarize and show all entriescannot change ownership of %scannot change permissions of %scannot change root directory to %scannot change to directory %scannot chdir to root directorycannot combine -e and -i optionscannot combine any two of {ascii,ebcdic,ibm}cannot combine block and unblockcannot combine excl and nocreatcannot combine lcase and ucasecannot combine mode and --reference optionscannot combine signal with -l or -tcannot compare file names %s and %scannot convert U+%04X to local character setcannot convert U+%04X to local character set: %scannot copy a directory, %s, into itself, %scannot copy cyclic symbolic link %scannot create directory %scannot create fifo %scannot create hard link %s to %scannot create link %s to %scannot create regular file %scannot create special file %scannot create symbolic link %scannot create symbolic link %s to %scannot dereference %scannot determine device and inode of %scannot determine hostnamecannot do ioctl on %scannot find name for group ID %lucannot find name for user ID %lucannot follow %s by namecannot fstat %scannot get current directorycannot get nicenesscannot get system namecannot lseek %scannot make both hard and symbolic linkscannot make directory %scannot move %s to %scannot move %s to a subdirectory of itself, %scannot move directory onto non-directory: %s -> %scannot open %s for readingcannot open %s for writingcannot open directory %scannot operate on dangling symlink %scannot overwrite directory %s with non-directorycannot overwrite non-directory %s with directory %scannot perform formatted outputcannot preserve security context without an SELinux-enabled kernelcannot print "only" of more than one choicecannot print only names or real IDs in default formatcannot print security context when user specifiedcannot read directory %scannot read file names from %scannot read file system information for %scannot read realtime clockcannot read symbolic link %scannot read table of mounted file systemscannot remove %scannot set datecannot set hostname; this system lacks the functionalitycannot set name to %scannot set nicenesscannot set permissions of %scannot skip past end of combined inputcannot specify times from more than one sourcecannot split in more than one waycannot stat %scannot stat current directory (now %s)cannot touch %scannot un-backup %scannot unlink %scannot work around kernel bug after allchanging group of %schanging ownership of %schanging permissions of %scharacter offset is zerocharacter out of rangecharacter special filecharacter special files not supportedclearing permissions for %sclock changeclose failedclosing %s (fd=%d)closing directory %sclosing input file %sclosing output file %sclosing standard inputconflicting empty-field replacement stringsconflicting security context specifiers givencouldn't create process for %s -dcouldn't create temporary filecouldn't find directory entry in %s with matching i-nodecouldn't get boot timecreated directory %screating directory %screating file %s delimiter list ends with an unescaped backslash: %sdirectorydivision by zeroempty file nameempty taberror closing fileerror in regular expression matchererror in regular expression searcherror reading %serror writing %sexit=extra argument %sextra operand %sextra operand %s not allowed with -%cfailed to change context of %s to %sfailed to change group of %s to %s failed to change ownership of %s failed to change ownership of %s to %s failed to chdir to %sfailed to compute a new contextfailed to create directory via template %sfailed to create file via template %sfailed to create security context: %sfailed to get attributes of %sfailed to get current contextfailed to get groups for the current processfailed to get groups for user %sfailed to get security context of %sfailed to lookup file %sfailed to open %sfailed to preserve authorship for %sfailed to preserve ownership for %sfailed to preserve permissions for %sfailed to preserve times for %sfailed to redirect standard errorfailed to remove %sfailed to remove directory %sfailed to restore the default file creation contextfailed to return to initial working directoryfailed to set %s security context component to %sfailed to set default file creation context to %sfailed to stat %sfdatasync failed for %sfflush failedfield number %s is too largefield number is zerofifofile system type %s both selected and excludedfork system call failedformat string may not be specified when printing equal width stringsfsync failed for %sfts_read failedgetting new attributes of %sgroup of %s retained as %s iconv function not availableiconv function not usableid=ignoring inputignoring input and appending output to %signoring input and redirecting stderr to stdoutignoring invalid tab size in environment variable TABSIZE: %signoring invalid value of environment variable QUOTING_STYLE: %signoring invalid width in environment variable COLUMNS: %signoring non-option argumentsincompatible join fields %lu, %luincompatible tabsinput disappearedinput line is too longinter-device move failed: %s to %s; unable to remove targetinvalid adjustment %sinvalid argument %sinvalid argument %s for %sinvalid body numbering style: %sinvalid character class %sinvalid context: %sinvalid conversioninvalid conversion specifier in suffix: %cinvalid conversion specifier in suffix: \%.3oinvalid date %sinvalid date format %sinvalid decreasing rangeinvalid device %s %sinvalid device type %sinvalid field number: %sinvalid field specifier: %sinvalid field width: %sinvalid file number in field spec: %sinvalid floating point argument: %sinvalid footer numbering style: %sinvalid gap width: %sinvalid groupinvalid group %sinvalid group: %sinvalid header numbering style: %sinvalid inputinvalid input flaginvalid integer %sinvalid line discipline %sinvalid line numbering format: %sinvalid line width: %sinvalid major device number %sinvalid maximum depth %sinvalid minor device number %sinvalid modeinvalid mode %sinvalid mode: %sinvalid number at field startinvalid number of bytesinvalid number of bytes to compareinvalid number of bytes to skipinvalid number of fields to skipinvalid number of linesinvalid option -- %cinvalid option -- %c; -WIDTH is recognized only when it is the first option; use -w N insteadinvalid output flaginvalid precision: %sinvalid range with no endpoint: -invalid repeat count %s in [c*n] constructinvalid specinvalid template, %s, contains directory separatorinvalid template, %s; with --tmpdir, it may not be absoluteinvalid time interval %sinvalid time style format %sinvalid trailing option -- %cinvalid type string %sinvalid type string %s; this system doesn't provide a %lu-byte floating point typeinvalid type string %s; this system doesn't provide a %lu-byte integral typeinvalid universal character name \%c%0*xinvalid userinvalid user %sinvalid zero-length file nameit is dangerous to operate recursively on %sit is dangerous to operate recursively on %s (same as %s)last=limit %lu exceeded by length %lu of file name %slimit %lu exceeded by length %lu of file name component %sline count option -%s%c... is too largeline number %s is smaller than preceding line number, %sline number overflowmemory exhaustedmessage queuemisaligned [:upper:] and/or [:lower:] constructmissing %% conversion specification in suffixmissing argument after %smissing argument to %smissing conversion specifier in suffixmissing destination file operand after %smissing file operandmissing hexadecimal number in escapemissing list of fieldsmissing operandmissing operand after %smode must specify only file permission bitsmode of %s retained as %04lo (%s) multi-character tab %smultiple -i options specifiedmultiple -l or -t options specifiedmultiple compress programs specifiedmultiple levelrangesmultiple output files specifiedmultiple output formats specifiedmultiple random sources specifiedmultiple rolesmultiple target directories specifiedmultiple typesmultiple usersneither symbolic link %s nor referent has been changed no SHELL environment variable, and no shell type option givenno change to ownership of %s no command specifiedno file systems processedno files remainingno login nameno process ID specifiedno type may be specified when dumping stringsno username specified; at least one must be specified when using -lnonportable character %s in file name %snot a ttynot writing through dangling symlink %soffset overflow while reading file %somitting directory %sonly one [c*] repeat construct may appear in string2only one device may be specifiedonly one type of list may be specifiedopen failedoption used in invalid context -- %cownership of %s retained ownership of %s retained as %s page width too narrowpreserving permissions for %spreserving times for %sprinting all duplicated lines and repeat counts is meaninglessread errorread failedreading directory %srecord too largeregular empty fileregular fileremoved %s removing directory, %srun-levelsemaphoreseparator cannot be emptysetting flags for %ssetting permissions for %ssetting times of %sshared memory objectskip-bytes + read-bytes is too largeskipping %s, since it's on a different deviceskipping file %s, as it was replaced while being copiedsocketstandard errorstandard inputstandard input is closedstandard outputstat failedstray character in field specstring comparison failedstring transformation failedstrip process terminated abnormallysuppressing non-delimited lines makes sense only when operating on fieldssymbolic linktab size cannot be 0tab size contains invalid character(s): %stab sizes must be ascendingtab stop is too large %stab stop value is too largetabs are too far aparttarget %s is not a directorytarget directory not allowed when installing a directoryterm=test and/or [the --binary and --text options are meaningless when verifying checksumsthe --status option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsthe --warn option is meaningful only when verifying checksumsthe [c*] construct may appear in string2 only when translatingthe [c*] repeat construct may not appear in string1the delimiter must be a single characterthe options for verbose and stty-readable output styles are mutually exclusivethe options to output dircolors' internal database and to select a shell syntax are mutually exclusivethe options to print and set the time may not be used togetherthe options to specify dates for printing are mutually exclusivethe strip option may not be used when installing a directorytime %s is out of rangetoo few X's in template %stoo many %% conversion specifications in suffixtoo many characters in settoo many repeated linestoo many templatestotaltyped memory objectunable to record current working directoryunable to set security context %sunparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variableunrecognized operand %sunrecognized prefix: %suse --no-preserve-root to override this failsafewaiting for %s [-d]waiting for stripwarning: %s: character(s) following character constant have been ignoredwarning: %s: failed to change context to %swarning: --pid=PID is not supported on this systemwarning: PID ignored; --pid=PID is useful only when followingwarning: an unescaped backslash at end of string is not portablewarning: backslash at end of formatwarning: cannot remove: %swarning: following standard input indefinitely is ineffectivewarning: ignoring excess arguments, starting with %swarning: invalid file offset after failed readwarning: invalid width %lu; using %d insteadwarning: line number %s is the same as preceding line numberwarning: source file %s specified more than oncewarning: summarizing conflicts with --max-depth=%luwarning: summarizing is the same as using --max-depth=0warning: the ambiguous octal escape \%c%c%c is being interpreted as the 2-byte sequence \0%c%c, %cwarning: working around lseek kernel bug for file (%s) of mt_type=0x%0lx -- see for the list of typesweird filewhen not truncating set1, string2 must be non-emptywhen reading file names from stdin, no file name of %s allowedwhen specifying an output style, modes may not be setwhen translating with complemented character classes, string2 must map all characters in the domain to onewill not copy %s through just-created symlink %swill not create hard link %s to directory %swill not overwrite just-created %s with %swith --parents, the destination must be a directorywrite errorwrite error for %swrite failedwriting to %syou must specify -c, -t, -u, -l, -r, or contextyou must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fieldsProject-Id-Version: coreutils 6.12 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-coreutils@gnu.org PO-Revision-Date: 2008-06-01 12:24-0500 Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell Language-Team: Irish Language: ga MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address. Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : (n>2 && n<7) ? 2 :(n>6 && n<11) ? 3 : 4; ( SLONN ) tĂĄ SLONN fĂ­or ! SLONN tĂĄ SLONN brĂ©agach SLONN1 -a SLONN2 tĂĄ SLONN1 agus SLONN2 fĂ­or SLONN1 -o SLONN2 tĂĄ SLONN1 nĂł SLONN2 fĂ­or -a, --all ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-b -d --login -p -r -t -T -u' -b, --boot am an atosaithe is dĂ©anaĂ­ -d, --dead taispeĂĄin prĂłisis mharbha -H, --heading taispeĂĄin teidil na gcolĂșn -b COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is comhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `bloc' Ă© -c COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is comhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `carachtar' Ă© -d COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is comhadlann Ă© -e COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann -l taispeĂĄin eolas faoin ÚSÁIDEOIR i bhformĂĄid fhada aschurtha -b nĂĄ taispeĂĄin comhadlann bhaile agus blaosc i bhformĂĄid fhada -h nĂĄ taispeĂĄin an comhad tionscadail i bhformĂĄid fhada -p nĂĄ taispeĂĄin an comhad plean i bhformĂĄid fhada -s formĂĄid achomair (rĂ©amhshocrĂș) -n TEAGHRÁN nĂ­l TEAGHRÁN folamh TEAGHRÁN ar comhbhrĂ­ le -n TEAGHRÁN -z TEAGHRÁN tĂĄ TEAGHRÁN folamh TEAGHRÁN1 = TEAGHRÁN2 is ionann iad TEAGHRÁN1 != TEAGHRÁN2 nĂ­ ionann iad ARG1 * ARG2 iolrach uimhrĂ­ochtĂșil de ARG1 agus ARG2 ARG1 / ARG2 lĂ­on uimhrĂ­ochtĂșil de ARG1 roinnte le ARG2 ARG1 % ARG2 fuĂ­lleach agus ARG1 ĂĄ roinnt le ARG2 ARG1 + ARG2 suim uimhrĂ­ochtĂșil de ARG1 agus ARG2 ARG1 - ARG2 difrĂ­ocht uimhrĂ­ochtĂșil idir ARG1 agus ARG2 ARG1 < ARG2 TĂĄ ARG1 nĂ­os lĂș nĂĄ ARG2 ARG1 <= ARG2 TĂĄ ARG1 nĂ­os lĂș nĂĄ, nĂł is ionann agus, ARG2 ARG1 = ARG2 is ionann iad ARG1 agus ARG2 ARG1 != ARG2 nĂ­ ionann ARG1 agus ARG2 ARG1 >= ARG2 TĂĄ ARG1 nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ, nĂł is ionann agus, ARG2 ARG1 > ARG2 TĂĄ ARG1 nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ ARG2 COMHAD1 -ef COMHAD2 tĂĄ uimhreacha ghlĂ©is agus inode cĂ©anna acu COMHAD1 -ef COMHAD2 tĂĄ COMHAD1 nĂ­os Ășire (mionathrĂș) nĂĄ COMHAD2 COMHAD1 -ot COMHAD2 tĂĄ COMHAD2 nĂ­os Ășire nĂĄ COMHAD1 UIMHIR1 -eq UIMHIR2 is ionann iad UIMHIR1 -ge UIMHIR2 tĂĄ UIMHIR1 nĂ­os mĂł, nĂł is ionann agus, UIMHIR2 UIMHIR1 -gt UIMHIR2 tĂĄ UIMHIR1 nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ UIMHIR2 UIMHIR1 -le UIMHIR2 tĂĄ UIMHIR1 nĂ­os lĂș, nĂł is ionann agus, UIMHIR2 UIMHIR1 -lt UIMHIR2 tĂĄ UIMHIR1 nĂ­os lĂș nĂĄ UIMHIR2 UIMHIR1 -ne UIMHIR2 nĂ­ ionann iad TEAGHRÁN : SLONN comhoiriĂșnaigh an patrĂșn SLONN i dTEAGHRÁN match TEAGHRÁN SLONN ar comhbhrĂ­ le `TEAGHRÁN : SLONN substr TEAGHRÁN ÁIT FAD fotheaghrĂĄn de TEAGHRÁN, tosaĂ­onn ÁIT ag 1 index TEAGHRÁN CAR ĂĄit i dTEAGHRÁN atĂĄ aon charachtar i CAR, nĂł 0 length TEAGHRÁN fad an TEAGHRÁIN b cruthaigh comhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `bloc' (maolĂĄnaithe) c, u cruthaigh comhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `carachtar' (gan mhaolĂĄn) p cruthaigh FIFO # ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ­=%lu Is Ă©ard atĂĄ i rĂ©imse: strĂĄice spĂĄs bĂĄn (spĂĄsanna agus tĂĄib go hiondĂșil), agus ansin carachtair nach spĂĄs bĂĄn. Gabhtar thar rĂ©imsĂ­ roimh charachtair. CiallaĂ­onn `-' lom an rogha `-i'. Mura bhfuil ORDÚ ann, taispeĂĄin an timpeallacht. TĂĄ leithead roghnach an rĂ©imse i ndiaidh na mbratach, mar uimhir dheachĂșlach; ansin mionathraitheoir roghnach atĂĄ ceann de: E, chun lĂ©irithe malartacha an logchaighdeĂĄn a ĂșsĂĄid, mĂĄs fĂ©idir, nĂł O, chun siombalacha malartacha uimhriĂșla an logchaighdeĂĄn a ĂșsĂĄid, mĂĄs fĂ©idir. Mura bhfuil SLONN ann, is brĂ©agach an luach rĂ©amhshocraithe. I ngach cĂĄs eile, is fĂ­or nĂł brĂ©agach SLONN agus socraĂ­onn sĂ© an stĂĄdas scortha. TĂĄ sĂ© ceann de na luachanna seo a leanas: Mar chĂĄs speisialta, dĂ©anann `cp' cĂșltaca de FOINSE nuair a thugtar na roghanna --force agus --backup, agus is ionann iad na hainmneacha FOINSE agus SPRIOC ar ghnĂĄthchomhad atĂĄ ann. NĂ­ folĂĄir duit cuid mhĂłr oibreoirĂ­ a chur idir comharthaĂ­ athfhriotal chun iad a chosaint Ăłn bhlaosc. DĂ©an comparĂĄid uimhrĂ­ochtĂșil mĂĄs uimhreacha ARG1 agus ARG2; i ngach cĂĄs eile, dĂ©an comparĂĄid fhoclĂłireachta. Ais-seolann patrĂșin chomhoiriĂșnacha an teaghrĂĄn atĂĄ idir \( agus \), nĂł nialas; mura bhfuil \( agus \) ann, ais-seolann siad lĂ­on na gcarachtar a bhĂ­ comhoiriĂșnaithe. nĂ­ folĂĄir PRÍOMH agus MION araon a thabhairt mĂĄ tĂĄ an CINEÁL b, c, nĂł u, agus nĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear iad ar chor ar bith le CINEÁL p. MĂĄ tĂĄ 0x nĂł 0X ag ceann PRÍOMH nĂł MION, caith leis mar heicsidheachĂșlach; le 0 aonraic, mar ochtnĂĄrtha; agus i ngach cĂĄs eile, mar deachĂșlach. CINEÁLacha bailĂ­: De rĂ©ir rĂ©amhshocraithe, nĂ­ bhaineann rm comhadlanna. ÚsĂĄid an rogha --recursive (-r nĂł -R) chun na comhadlanna uile a bhaint freisin, in Ă©ineacht le gach rud atĂĄ isteach iontu. Is fĂ©idir le gach BRATACH a bheith: append mĂłd iarcheangail (nĂĄ hĂșsĂĄid ach le haschur; moltar conv=notrunc) Mar shampla: %s f - g TaispeĂĄin f, ansin an gnĂĄth-ionchur, agus g ina dhiaidh sin. %s CĂłipeĂĄil an gnĂĄth-ionchur go dtĂ­ an gnĂĄth-aschur. Mar shampla: %s root /u Athraigh an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de /u go "root". %s root:foireann /u Mar an gcĂ©anna, ach athraigh a ghrĂșpa go "foireann" freisin. %s -hR root /u Athraigh an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de /u agus a fochomhaid go "root". Mar shampla: %s foireann /u Athraigh grĂșpa de /u go "foireann". %s -hR foireann /u Athraigh grĂșpa de /u agus a fhochomhaid go "foireann". Seachas -h agus -L, dĂ­-thagrĂłidh tĂĄstĂĄlacha COMHAID gach nasc siombalach. NĂ­ folĂĄir duit `(' agus `)' a chosaint Ăłn bhlaosc le, m.sh., cĂșlslaiseanna. Is fĂ©idir le hUIMHIR a bheith -l TEAGHRÁN, fad an teaghrĂĄin. StĂĄdas scortha = 0 mura bhfuil SLONN nialasach, 1 mĂĄ tĂĄ, 2 mĂĄs slonn neamhbhailĂ­ Ă©, agus 3 mĂĄ tharlaĂ­onn earrĂĄid. LĂĄimhseĂĄil an lĂ­ne tty atĂĄ ceangailte leis an ngnĂĄth-ionchur. Gan argĂłintĂ­, taispeĂĄin rĂĄta bĂĄd, disciplĂ­n lĂ­ne, agus claonadh Ăł stty sane. I roghanna, glactar CAR go litriĂșil, nĂł ionchĂłdaithe m.sh. ^c, 0x37, 0177 nĂł 127; ĂșsĂĄid luachanna ^- nĂł undef chun carachtair speisialta a stopadh. MĂĄ tĂĄ an chĂ©ad fhormĂĄid agus an dara formĂĄid araon i bhfeidhm, glac leis an dara ceann nuair a thosaĂ­onn an t-oibreann deiridh le + nĂł (mĂĄ tĂĄ dhĂĄ oibreann ann) digit. Is ionann an t-oibreann FRITHÁIREAMH agus -j FRITHÁIREAMH. Is LIPÉAD an seoladh brĂ©ige ag an chĂ©ad bheart priontĂĄilte, incrimintithe le linn na dumpĂĄla. Le haghaidh FRITHÁIREAMH agus LIPÉAD, comharthaĂ­onn rĂ©imĂ­r 0x nĂł 0X heicsidheachĂșlach; ĂșsĂĄid iarmhĂ­r `.' don ochtnĂĄrtha agus `b' mar 512. NÓTA: gĂ©illeann '[' do na roghanna --help agus --version, ach ĂșsĂĄideann 'test' --help agus --version dĂ­reach cosĂșil le aon TEAGHRÁN eile nach bhfuil folamh. NÓTA: is fĂ©idir go bhfuil leagan eile de %s ag do bhlaosc fĂ©in, agus go hiondĂșil shĂĄrĂłdh sĂ© an leagan a ndĂ©antar cur sĂ­os air anseo. FĂ©ach ar dhoicimĂ©adĂș do bhlaoisce chun tuilleadh eolais a fhĂĄil faoi na roghanna a dtacaĂ­onn sĂ© leo. Tabhair faoi deara go bhfuil formĂĄidĂ­ difriĂșla am-dĂĄta ag na roghanna -d agus -t. Cuir `-' roghnach roimh LUACH chun diĂșltĂș a dhĂ©anamh. ComharthaĂ­tear roghanna neamh-POSIX le `*'. SocraĂ­onn an cĂłras fĂ©in na roghanna atĂĄ ar fĂĄil. Cuir an luach de SLONN chuig an ghnĂĄth-aschur. DealaĂ­onn lĂ­ne fholamh thĂ­os grĂșpaĂ­ tosaĂ­ochta. Is fĂ©idir SLONN a bheith: ARG1 | ARG2 ARG1 mura bhfuil sĂ© nialasach, ARG2 mĂĄ tĂĄ ARG1 & ARG2 0 mĂĄ tĂĄ ceachtar nialasach, ARG1 mura bhfuil SonraĂ­onn TACAR mar theaghrĂĄn carachtar. CiallaĂ­onn carachtar Ă© fĂ©in de ghnĂĄth. CĂłid lĂ©irmhĂ­nithe: \NNN carachtar le luach ochtnĂĄrtha NNN (1,2, nĂł 3 digit) \\ cĂșlslais \a BEL inchloiste \b cĂșlspĂĄs \f foirmfhotha \n lĂ­ne nua \r aisfhilleadh \t tĂĄb cothromĂĄnach ÚsĂĄid ceann, agus gan ach ceann de -b, -c, nĂł -f. Is raon Ă© gach LIOSTA, nĂł roinnt raonta scartha le camĂłga. ScrĂ­obhann an t-ionchur roghnaithe san ord ĂĄ lĂ©adh, agus nĂ­ scrĂ­obhtar Ă© ach uair amhĂĄin. Mura bhfuil COMHAD ann, nĂł mĂĄs '-' Ă©, lĂ©igh Ăłn gnĂĄth-ionchur. Mura bhfuil aon rogha ann, taispeĂĄin an t-aschur i trĂ­ cholĂșn. Sa chĂ©ad cholĂșn, lĂ­nte atĂĄ i gCOMHAD1 ach nach COMHAD2; sa dara cholĂșn, lĂ­nte atĂĄ i gCOMHAD2 ach nach COMHAD2, agus comhlĂ­nte sa trĂ­Ăș colĂșn. Mura bhfuil ROGHA ann, taispeĂĄin roinnt bheag eolais thairbhigh. --backup[=RIALÚ] dĂ©an cĂșltaca de gach sprioc-chomhad atĂĄ ann -b cosĂșil le `--backup' ach gan argĂłint -d, -F, --directory ceadaigh don fhorĂșsĂĄideoir nasc crua do chomhadlanna a dhĂ©anamh (ach is dĂłcha go dteipfear de bharr srianta an chĂłrais, go fiĂș don fhorĂșsĂĄideoir) -f, --force scrios sprioc-chomhad mĂĄ tĂĄ sĂ© ann cheana --help taispeĂĄin an chabhair seo agus scoir -l, --lookup fĂ©ach le caighdeĂĄnĂș na hĂłstainmneacha le DNS -m nĂ­l ach Ăłstainm agus ĂșsĂĄideoir nasctha leis an ngnĂĄth-ionchur -p, --process taispeĂĄin prĂłisis a chuir init ar bun --no-preserve=TRÉITHE nĂĄ caomhnaigh na trĂ©ithe ceaptha --parents ĂșsĂĄid ainm lĂĄn an chomhaid faoi CHOMHADLANN --one-file-system nuair atĂĄ comhadlanna ĂĄ mbaint go hathchĂșrsach, nĂĄ bain comhadlanna atĂĄ ar chĂłras comhad nach ionann leis an gceann a sonraĂ­odh in argĂłint ar lĂ­ne na n-orduithe --strip-trailing-slashes scrios slaiseanna ag deireadh gach argĂłint FOINSE -S, --suffix=IARMHÍR sĂĄraigh an gnĂĄth-iarmhĂ­r cĂșltaca --verbose taispeĂĄin diagnĂłisic go dĂ­reach roimh atĂĄ gach aschomhad oscailte --version taispeĂĄin eolas faoin leagan agus scoir oddp ar comhbhrĂ­ le parenb parodd cs7 -oddp ar comhbhrĂ­ le -parenb cs8 [-]parity ar comhbhrĂ­ le [-]evenp pass8 ar comhbhrĂ­ le -parenb -istrip cs8 -pass8 ar comhbhrĂ­ le parenb istrip cs7 %A lĂĄ den tseachtain ina iomlĂĄine (m.sh., "DĂ© Domhnaigh") %b an mhĂ­ ghiorraithe (m.sh. "Ean") %B an mhĂ­ ina hiomlĂĄine (m.sh. "EanĂĄir") %c an dĂĄta agus an t-am (m.sh., Aoine 30 MFĂłmh 2005 14:23:52 UTC) %S soicind (00..60) %t tĂĄb cothromĂĄnach %T an t-am; ar comhbhrĂ­ le %H:%M:%S %u lĂĄ den tseachtain (1..7); 1 = DĂ© Luain %U uimhir na seachtaine sa bhliain, le Domhnach mar an chĂ©ad lĂĄ (00..53) %V uimhir na seachtaine ISO, le Luan mar an chĂ©ad lĂĄ (01..53) %w lĂĄ na seachtaine (0..6); 0=DĂ© Domhnaigh %W uimhir na seachtaine sa bhliain, le Luan mar an chĂ©ad lĂĄ (00.53) %h ar comhbhrĂ­ le %b %H uair (00..23) %I uair (01..12) %j lĂĄ den bhliain (001..366) %x lĂ©iriĂș den dĂĄta de rĂ©ir an logchaighdeĂĄin (m.sh., 30.09.05) %X lĂ©iriĂș den am de rĂ©ir an logchaighdeĂĄin (m.sh., 14:34:58) %y dhĂĄ dhigit deiridh den bhliain (00..99) %Y an bhliain -D, --date-format=FORMÁID taispeĂĄin an dĂĄta cheanntĂĄisc de rĂ©ir na FORMÁIDE -e[CAR[LEITHEAD]], --expand-tabs[=CAR[LEITHEAD]] tiontaigh CAR (TÁIB) go tĂĄb LEITHEAD (8) -F, -f, --form-feed scar leathanaigh le foirmfhothaĂ­ in ionad lĂ­nte nua (le -F, ĂșsĂĄid ceanntĂĄsc leathanaigh de trĂ­ lĂ­ne, nĂł, gan -F, de cĂșig lĂ­ne agus le buntĂĄsc) -S COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is soicĂ©ad Ă© -t FD tuarascĂĄlaĂ­ comhaid FD oscailte ar theirminĂ©al -u COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus a ghiotĂĄn set-user-ID lasta -w COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is inscrĂ­ofa Ă© -x COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is fĂ©idir Ă© a rith nĂł a chuardach -T, -w, --mesg taispeĂĄin stĂĄdas teachtaireachta mar +, -, nĂł ? -u, --users taispeĂĄin ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ­ atĂĄ logĂĄilte isteach faoi lĂĄthair --message ar comhbhrĂ­ le -T --writable ar comhbhrĂ­ le -T -W, --word-regexp=REGEXP ĂșsĂĄid REGEXP chun treoirfhocail a thĂłgĂĄil -b, --break-file=COMHAD tĂĄ carachtair le briseadh focail i gCOMHAD -f, --ignore-case sĂłrtĂĄil an cĂĄs Ă­ochtair leis an gcĂĄs uachtair -g, --gap-size=UIMHIR bearna idir colĂșin san aschur -i, --ignore-file=COMHAD tĂĄ focail le ligean tharat i gCOMHAD -o, --only-file=COMHAD tĂĄ liosta treoirfhocal i gCOMHAD -a, --across taispeĂĄin colĂșin trasna an scĂĄileĂĄin seachas anuas ĂșsĂĄid le -COLÚN -c, --show-control-chars carachtair rialĂșchĂĄin mar ^G nĂł le cĂșlslais ochtnĂĄrtha -d, --double-space spĂĄsĂĄil dhĂșbailte -b, --before ceangail an deighilteoir roimh in ionad i ndiaidh -r, --regex caith leis an deighilteoir mar shlonn ionadaĂ­ochta -s, --separator=TEAGHRÁN ĂșsĂĄid TEAGHRÁN mar dheighilteoir in ionad lĂ­ne nua -b, --bytes uimhrigh bearta seachas colĂșin -s, --spaces bris ag spĂĄsanna -w, --width=LEITHEAD ĂșsĂĄid LEITHEAD colĂșn in ionad 80 -b, --bytes=LIOSTA nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach na bearta seo -c, --characters=LIOSTA nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach na carachtair seo -d, --delimiter=TEORAN ĂșsĂĄid TEORAN in ionad TAB mar theormharcĂłir rĂ©imse -b, --ignore-leading-blanks dĂ©an neamhshuim ar spĂĄsanna tosaigh -d, --dictionary-order nĂĄ hĂșsĂĄid ach spĂĄsanna agus carachtair alfa-uimhriĂșla -f, --ignore-case sĂłrtĂĄil an cĂĄs Ă­ochtair leis an gcĂĄs uachtair -c, --crown-margin coinnigh eangĂș den chĂ©ad dĂĄ lĂ­ne -p, --prefix=TEAGHRÁN nĂĄ ceangail ach lĂ­nte le rĂ©imĂ­r TEAGHRÁN, agus athcheangail an rĂ©imĂ­r le lĂ­nte athfhormĂĄidithe -s, --split-only deighil lĂ­nte fada, ach nĂĄ hathlĂ­on -d, --delimiters=LIOSTA athĂșsĂĄid carachtair as LIOSTA in ionad TÁIB -s, --serial greamaigh i ndiaidh a chĂ©ile, nach go comhuaineach -e bain ĂșsĂĄid as na carachtair Ă©alĂșchĂĄin le cĂșlslaiseanna -E nĂĄ bain ĂșsĂĄid as na carachtair Ă©alĂșchĂĄin (rĂ©amhshocrĂș) -e ĂșsĂĄid carachtair Ă©alĂșchĂĄin le cĂșlslaiseanna (rĂ©amhshocrĂș) -E nĂĄ hĂșsĂĄid na carachtair Ă©alĂșchĂĄin -f nĂĄ taispeĂĄin teidil na gcolĂșn i bhformĂĄid achomair -w nĂĄ taispeĂĄin an t-ainm iomlĂĄn i bhformĂĄid achomair -i nĂĄ taispeĂĄin an t-ainm iomlĂĄn nĂł cianĂłstach i bhformĂĄid achomair -q nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ainm iomlĂĄn, cianĂłstach, nĂł am dĂ­omhaoin i bhformĂĄid achomair -f ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t fF', roghnaigh uimhreacha shnĂĄmhphointe -i ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t dI', roghnaigh slĂĄnuimhreacha deachĂșlacha -l ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t dL', roghnaigh `long'anna deachĂșlacha -o ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t o2', roghnaigh aonaid ochtnĂĄrtha, 2 bheart -s ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t d2', roghnaigh aonaid dheachĂșlacha, 2 bheart -x ar comhbhrĂ­ le `-t x2', roghnaigh aonaid heicsidheachĂșlacha, 2 bheart -f COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is gnĂĄthchomhad Ă© -g COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is set-group-ID Ă© -G COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is leis an ID grĂșpa i bhfeidhm Ă© -h COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus is nasc siombalach Ă© (is ionann agus -L) -k COMHAD tĂĄ COMHAD ann agus tĂĄ sĂ© a ghiotĂĄn greamaitheach lasta -f, --canonicalize caighdeĂĄnaigh trĂ­ leanĂșint gach nasc siombalach i ngach ball den chonair, go hathchĂșrsach; nĂ­ mĂłr gach comhphĂĄirt (seachas an ceann deiridh) a bheith ann -e, --canonicalize-existing caighdeĂĄnaigh trĂ­ leanĂșint gach nasc siombalach i ngach ball den chonair, go hathchĂșrsach; nĂ­ mĂłr gach comhphĂĄirt a bheith ann -f, --fields=LIOSTA nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach na rĂ©imsĂ­ seo; sa bhreis, taispeĂĄin gach lĂ­ne gan aon teormharcĂłir, mura bhfuil an rogha -s tugtha -n (gan feidhm) -g cosĂșil le -l, ach nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ĂșinĂ©ir an liosta -i, --inodes taispeĂĄin eolas inode in ionad ĂșsĂĄid na mbloc -k ar comhbhrĂ­ le `--block-size=1K' -l, --local nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach cĂłrais chomhaid logĂĄnta --no-sync nĂĄ sync roimh eolas ĂșsĂĄide a fhĂĄil (rĂ©amhshocrĂș) -l bain ĂșsĂĄid as an mhĂłd fhoclach -L, --dereference nuair atĂĄ nasc siombalach ann, taispeĂĄin an t-eolas faoin tagraĂ­ seachas an nasc fĂ©in -m taispeĂĄin iontrĂĄlacha scartha le camĂłga -l, --login taispeĂĄin prĂłisis logĂĄla isteach an chĂłrais -n, --digits=DIGITÍ bain ĂșsĂĄid as DIGITÍ digit, in ionad 2 -s, --quiet, --silent nĂĄ taispeĂĄin lĂ­onta na mbeart in aschomhaid -z, --elide-empty-files scrios aschomhaid fholmha -o, --output=COMHAD scrĂ­obh na torthaĂ­ i gCOMHAD in ionad an ghnĂĄth-aschuir -s, --stable caighdeĂĄnaigh an t-ord trĂ­ dhĂ­chumasĂș na sĂłrtĂĄla den rogha dheireanach -S, --buffer-size=MÉID maolĂĄn prĂ­omhchuimhne = MÉID -q, --count taispeĂĄin gach ainm logĂĄla isteach agus lĂ­on na n-ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ­ faoi lĂĄthair -r, --runlevel taispeĂĄin an leibhĂ©al feidhmithe faoi lĂĄthair -s, --short nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach ainm, lĂ­ne, agus am (rĂ©amhshocrĂș) -t, --time taispeĂĄin athrĂș an chloig is dĂ©anaĂ­ -q, --quiet, --silent nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ceanntĂĄsc leis an ainm comhaid -v, --verbose taispeĂĄin an ceanntĂĄsc leis an ainm comhaid -r, --references is tagairt Ă© an chĂ©ad rĂ©imse ar gach lĂ­ne -t, --typeset-mode - neamhchrĂ­ochnaithe - -w, --width=UIMHIR leithead an aschuir, gan tagairt -s, --only-delimited nĂĄ taispeĂĄin ach na lĂ­nte le teormharcĂłirĂ­ --output-delimiter=TEAGHRÁN ĂșsĂĄid TEAGHRÁN mar theormharcĂłir aschuir agus an teormharcĂłir ionchurtha mar rĂ©amhshocrĂș -s, --signal=COMHARTHA, -COMHARTHA tabhair an t-ainm nĂł an uimhir den chomhartha le seoladh -l, --list taispeĂĄin ainmneacha na gcomharthaĂ­, nĂł tiontaigh ainmneacha go/Ăł uimhreacha -t, --table taispeĂĄin tĂĄbla le heolas faoi chomharthaĂ­ -s, --symbolic-link nasc comhaid in ionad iad a chĂłipeĂĄil -S, --suffix=IARMHÍR sĂĄraigh an iarmhĂ­r chĂșltaca rĂ©amhshocraithe -t, --target-directory=COMHADLANN cĂłipeĂĄil gach FOINSE go dtĂ­ COMHADLANN -T, --no-target-directory caith le SPRIOC mar ghnĂĄthchomhad -t ar comhbhrĂ­ le -vT -T, --show-tabs taispeĂĄin tĂĄib mar ^I -u (gan feidhm) -v, --show-nonprinting taispeĂĄin rialĂșchĂĄin le ^, M-; nĂ­ LFD agus TAB -u, --update nĂĄ cĂłipeĂĄil ach amhĂĄin nuair atĂĄ FOINSE nĂ­os Ășire nĂĄ an sprioc-chomhad, nĂł nuair atĂĄ an sprioc-chomhad ar iarraidh -v, --verbose mĂ­nigh na rudaĂ­ atĂĄ ag tarlĂș -x, --one-file-system fan ar an chĂłras chomhaid seo -w, --check-chars=N dĂ©an comparĂĄid ar N carachtar ar a mhĂ©ad [:graph:] carachtair ghrafacha, ach amhĂĄin spĂĄs [:lower:] litreacha cĂĄs Ă­ochtair [:print:] carachtair ghrafacha, spĂĄs san ĂĄireamh [:punct:] comharthaĂ­ poncaĂ­ochta [:space:] spĂĄs bĂĄn, cothromĂĄnach nĂł ingearach [:upper:] litreacha cĂĄs uachtair [:xdigit:] digitĂ­ heicsidheachĂșlacha [=CAR=] carachtair ar comhbhrĂ­ le CAR \v tĂĄb ingearach CAR1-CAR2 gach carachtar idir CAR1 agus CAR2, in ord [CAR*] i dTACAR2, cĂłipeanna CAR go dtĂ­ fad TACAR1 [CAR*UIMHIR] UIMHIR cĂłip de CAR, ochtnĂĄrtha mĂĄ thosaĂ­onn sĂ© le 0 [:alnum:] litreacha agus digitĂ­ [:alpha:] litreacha [:blank:] spĂĄs bĂĄn cothromĂĄnach [:cntrl:] carachtair rialĂșchĂĄin [:digit:] digitĂ­ binary ĂșsĂĄid I/A dĂ©nĂĄrtha le haghaidh sonraĂ­ direct ĂșsĂĄid I/A dĂ­reach le haghaidh sonraĂ­ dsync ĂșsĂĄid I/A sioncrĂłnaithe le haghaidh sonraĂ­ excl teip mĂĄ tĂĄ an t-aschomhad ann cheana nocreat nĂĄ cruthaigh an t-aschomhad noerror lean ar aghaidh tar Ă©is earrĂĄidĂ­ sa lĂ©amh notrunc nĂĄ dĂ©an teascadh ar an aschomhad fdatasync scrĂ­obh ar an aschomhad go fisiceach roimh chrĂ­ochnĂș fsync mar an gcĂ©anna, ach scrĂ­obh meiteashonraĂ­ freisin noatime nĂĄ nuashonraigh an t-am rochtana noctty nĂĄ ceap an teirminĂ©al rialaithe Ăł chomhad nofollow nĂĄ lean naisc shiombalacha nolinks teip mĂĄ tĂĄ naisc iomadĂșla ann nonblock ĂșsĂĄid I/A gan bhacainnĂ­ none, off nĂĄ dĂ©an cĂșltacaĂ­ choĂ­che (fiĂș mĂĄ tĂĄ --backup ceaptha) numbered, t dĂ©an cĂșltacaĂ­ agus uimhreacha orthu existing, nil numbered mĂĄ tĂĄ uimhreacha orthu anois, simple mura bhfuil simple, never dĂ©an cĂșltacaĂ­ simplĂ­ i gcĂłnaĂ­ sync mar an gcĂ©anna, ach le haghaidh meiteashonraĂ­ fosta text ĂșsĂĄid I/A tĂ©acs le haghaidh sonraĂ­ (cĂșltaca: %s) * [-]iutf8 glac le carachtair san ionchĂłdĂș UTF-8 TTY grĂșpaĂ­= sean le linn timthriall %s %.*s: tiontĂș neamhbhailĂ­%b %e %Y%b %e %H:%M%lu ĂșsĂĄideoir%lu ĂșsĂĄideoir%lu ĂșsĂĄideoir%lu n-ĂșsĂĄideoir%lu ĂșsĂĄideoir%s (ar regexp %s)%s -> %s (dĂ­-chĂșltaca) ChrĂ­ochnaigh %s [-d] gan an chĂșis a mhĂ­niĂșis iad %s agus %s an comhad cĂ©annaTĂĄ %s ann cheana, ach nĂ­ comhadlann Ă©tĂĄ %s insroichte anoistĂĄ %s dorochtana anoistĂĄ %s de chineĂĄl anaithnidNĂ­ slĂĄnuimhir dheimhneach bhailĂ­ Ă© %stĂĄ %s rĂłmhĂłr%s: %s: lĂ­ne-uimhir as raon%s: %s: nĂ­l a leithĂ©id ann%s: %s:%s: mĂ­-eagar: %s: bhĂ­othas ag sĂșil le hoibreoir dĂ©nĂĄrtha%s: nĂ­ folĂĄir naisc shiombalacha coibhneasta a dhĂ©anamh sa chomhadlann oibre%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir mĂłd gan bacainnĂ­ a athshocrĂș%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir forscrĂ­obh a dhĂ©anamh ar chomhadlann%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir atochras%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir seek a dhĂ©anamh%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir bogadh go frithĂĄireamh coibhneasta Ăłn chrĂ­och %s%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir bogadh go frithĂĄireamh %s%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir bogadh go frithĂĄireamh coibhneasta %s%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir tuarascĂĄlaĂ­ comhaid sĂ­nte amhĂĄin a lĂ©irscriosadh%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir mĂłd gan bacainnĂ­ a athshocrĂș%s: tĂ©igh sĂ­os isteach i gcomhadlann %s? %s: tĂ©igh sĂ­os isteach i gcomhadlann scrĂ­obh-bhactha %s? %s: comhadchrĂ­och%s: nĂ­ folĂĄir carachtar aonarach mar oibreann d'aicme coibhĂ©ise%s: earrĂĄid le linn teasctha%s: earrĂĄid le linn scrĂ­obh ag frithĂĄireamh %s%s: bhĂ­othas ag sĂșil le luach uimhriĂșil%s: theip ar dhĂșnadh%s: theip ar oscailt chun Ă© a scrĂ­obh%s: theip ar bhaint%s: theip ar fcntl%s: theip ar fdatasync%s: comhad de mhĂ©id diĂșltach%s: is rĂłchraptha an comhad%s: tĂĄ an comhad rĂłmhĂłr%s: comhad rĂłfhada%s: comhad teasctha%s: theip ar fstat%s: theip ar fsync%s: nĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear nasc crua le comhadlann%s: tĂĄ lĂșb san ionchur:%s: is corr lĂ­on na dteaghrĂĄn san ionchur%s: is ionann iad an t-inchomhad agus an t-aschomhad%s: bhĂ­othas ag sĂșil le slĂĄnuimhir i ndiaidh teormharcĂłra%s: ĂĄireamh neamhbhailĂ­ ag tĂșs %s%s: treoir neamhbhailĂ­%s: sonraĂ­ocht neamhbhailĂ­ rĂ©imse %s%s: cineĂĄl comhaid neamhbhailĂ­%s: patrĂșn neamhbhailĂ­%s: aitheantas neamhbhailĂ­ prĂłisis%s: slonn ionadaĂ­ochta neamhbhailĂ­: %s%s: comhartha neamhbhailĂ­%s: nĂ­ folĂĄir lĂ­ne-uimhir dheimhneach%s: lĂ­ne-uimhir as raon%s: theip ar lseek%s: Tugadh comharthaĂ­ iomadĂșla%s: is %s na ceadanna nua, nĂ­ %s%s: nĂ­l aon lĂ­ne dhea-chumtha ar fĂĄil le suim sheiceĂĄla %s%s: nĂ­l aon eolas ar fĂĄil faoin mhĂ©id den ghlĂ©as seo%s: nĂ­ liostĂłfar comhadlann atĂĄ liostaithe cheana%s: is rĂłmhĂłr lĂ­on na mbeart%s: forscrĂ­obh %s? %s: timthriall %lu/%lu (%s)...%s: timthriall %lu/%lu (%s)...%s%s: timthriall %lu/%lu (%s)...%s/%s %d%%%s: earrĂĄid sa lĂ©amh%s: scrios %s %s? %s: scrios %s scrĂ­obh-bhactha %s? %s: scriosta%s: ĂĄ scriosadh%s: ainm nua %s%s: ionadaigh %s? %s: nĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir `seek' a dhĂ©anamh%s: an iomarca lĂ­nte shuim sheiceĂĄla%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir an t-uasfhad d'ainmneacha comhaid a dhĂ©anamh amach%s: nĂ­ fĂ©idir gach tasc iarrtha a dhĂ©anamh%s: bhĂ­othas ag sĂșil le hoibreoir aonĂĄrtha%s: nĂ­l an luach tiontaithe ar fad%s: earrĂĄid sa scrĂ­obh%s:%lu: lĂ­ne neamhbhailĂ­; dara teaghrĂĄn ar iarraidh%s:%lu: lorgfhocal anaithnid %s'©, meĂĄnlĂłd: %.2foibrĂ­onn --context (-Z) le heithne atĂĄ cumasaithe do SELinux amhĂĄintĂĄ gĂĄ le ceann de -H nĂł -L leis na roghanna -R --dereferencetĂĄ gĂĄ le -P leis na roghanna -R -hnĂ­ ghlacann -ef le -lnĂ­ ghlacann -nt le -lnĂ­ ghlacann -ot le -l??? Aicme sheolta d'Ăłstainm gan tacaĂ­ochtCuireadh gach iarratas i gcrĂ­chTĂĄ an maolĂĄn argĂłinte rĂłbheagArnold RobbinsArFĂĄilAr FĂĄilLuach neamhbhailĂ­ do 'ai_flags'NÓTAGlaoigh ar an fheidhm link() chun COMHAD2 a nascadh le COMHAD1. Bain ĂșsĂĄid as an fheidhm unlink() chun an COMHAD a scriosadh. IomlĂĄnColin PlumbDĂ©an comparĂĄid idir na comhaid shĂłrtĂĄilte COMHAD1 agus COMHAD2, lĂ­ne ar lĂ­ne. CĂłipeĂĄil an gnĂĄth-ionchur chuig gach COMHAD, agus chuig an ghnĂĄth-aschur freisin. -a, --append iarcheangail leis na COMHA(I)D, nĂĄ forscrĂ­obh -i, --ignore-interrupts dĂ©an neamhshuim ar chomharthaĂ­ idirbhriste David M. IhnatDavid MacKenzieDavid MadoreComhadlann: Dmitry V. LevinSCOIRDĂ©an macalla ar an/na TEAGHRÁ(I)N chuig an ghnĂĄth-aschur. -n nĂĄ scrĂ­obh an lĂ­ne nua fhoirceanta Scoir le cĂłd scortha a chomharthaĂ­onn teip.Scoir le cĂłd scortha a chomharthaĂ­onn bua.Scoir leis an stĂĄdas scortha tugtha ag SLONN. F. PinardTEIPTHEFIXME: anaithnidNĂ­l prĂ­omhuimhir nĂĄ mionuimhir ghlĂ©is ag comhaid fifo.CĂłras comhaidH. Peter AnvinDÍOMHAOINIsaorIÚsĂĄid%IĂ­ditheIan Lance TaylorDĂ­omhaoinI rĂ©altacht: InĂłidIdirbhriste ag comharthaCĂșltagairt neamhbhailĂ­Ainm neamhbhailĂ­ ar aicme charachtarCarachtar neamhbhailĂ­ comhordaitheÁbhar neamhbhailĂ­ idir \{ agus \}Slonn ionadaĂ­ochta neamhbhailĂ­ roimhe seoTĂĄ deireadh an raoin neamhbhailĂ­Slonn ionadaĂ­ochta neamhbhailĂ­James YoungmanJay LepreauJim KingdonJim MeyeringJoseph ArceneauxKaveh GhaziKayvan AghaiepourKevin BraunsdorfLÍNELogĂĄil IsteachAinm logĂĄla isteach: Mark KettenisMatthew BradburnTheip ar dhĂĄil chuimhneCuimhne Ă­ditheMichael MeskesMichael StoneMike HaertelMike ParkerCurtha suas arAINMAinmAinm nĂł seirbhĂ­s anaithnidNĂ­l seoladh ar bith ceangailte leis an ĂłstainmNĂ­l a leithĂ©id annNĂ­ raibh slonn ionadaĂ­ochta roimhe seoTeip dhocheartaithe ar rĂ©iteach na n-ainmneachaOKNĂ­ folĂĄir teaghrĂĄn aonarach a thabhairt le linn scriosta gan fĂĄscadh.Roghanna sĂłrtĂĄla: TaispeĂĄin orduithe chun na hathrĂłige thimpeallachta LS_COLORS a shocrĂș. Roghnaigh an fhormĂĄid aschurtha: -b, --sh, --bourne-shell taispeĂĄin cĂłd Bourne chun LS_COLORS a shocrĂș -c, --csh, --c-shell taispeĂĄin cĂłd C-shell chun LS_COLORS a shocrĂș -p, --print-database taispeĂĄin rĂ©amhshocruithe TaispeĂĄin ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ­ atĂĄ logĂĄilte isteach faoi lĂĄthair, dar le COMHAD. Gan CHOMHAD, ĂșsĂĄid %s. Feictear %s mar CHOMHAD go minic. PIDNĂ­l an teaghrĂĄn paraimĂ©adair ionchĂłdaithe i gceartPaul EggertPaul RubinPete TerMaatPlean: Deireadh an tsloinn gan choinneTaispeĂĄin ARGÓINT(Í) de rĂ©ir FORMÁID, nĂł rith de rĂ©ir ROGHA: TaispeĂĄin suim sheiceĂĄla CRC agus lĂ­on bearta di gach COMHAD. TaispeĂĄin eolas ĂĄirithe faoin gcĂłras. Gan ROGHA, is ionann Ă© agus `-s'. -a, --all taispeĂĄin gach faisnĂ©is, san ord seo a leanas, ach fĂĄg -p agus -i ar lĂĄr mĂĄs anaithnid: -s, --kernel-name taispeĂĄin ainm na heithne -n, --nodename taispeĂĄin Ăłstainm an nĂłid lĂ­n -r, --kernel-release taispeĂĄin leagan na heithne TaispeĂĄin ailtireacht an rĂ­omhaire. TaispeĂĄin ainm an teirminĂ©il atĂĄ ceangailte leis an ngnĂĄth-ionchur. -s, --silent, --quiet nĂĄ taispeĂĄin aon nĂ­; aischuir stĂĄdas scortha TaispeĂĄin an t-ainm iomlĂĄn den chomhadlann oibre. TaispeĂĄin an t-ainm den ĂșsĂĄideoir reatha. TaispeĂĄin an t-ainm ĂșsĂĄideora nasctha leis an aitheantas atĂĄ i bhfeidhm faoi lĂĄthair. Ar comhbhrĂ­ le `id -un'. Iarratas prĂłiseĂĄla ar siĂșlTionscadal: Q. Frank XiaRandy SmithSlonn ionadaĂ­ochta rĂłmhorCealaĂ­odh an t-iarratasNĂ­or cealaĂ­odh an t-iarratasRichard M. StallmanRichard MlynarikRoland HuebnerRoland McGrathRoss PatersonRith ORDÚ leis an fhrĂ©amhchomhadlann mar FRÉAMHNUA. Rith ORDÚ agus lig comharthaĂ­ HUP thar. Russell CokerScott BartramScott MillerNĂ­ thacaĂ­tear le hainm freastalaithe do 'ai_socktype'Cuir LC_ALL='C' ionas gur fĂ©idir an fhadhb seo a sheachaint.Blaosc: Simon JosefssonMĂ©idNĂ­ mĂłr prĂ­omhuimhir ghlĂ©is agus mionuimhir ghlĂ©is a cheapadh le haghaidh na gcomhad speisialtaStuart KempD'Ă©irigh leisEarrĂĄid chĂłraisAM Teip shealadach ar rĂ©iteach na n-ainmneachaRinneadh comparĂĄid idir na teaghrĂĄin %s agus %s.Torbjorn GranlundCĂșlslais chun deiridhNĂ­ folĂĄir dhĂĄ theaghrĂĄn le linn aistrithe.CineĂĄlUlrich DrepperEarrĂĄid anaithnidEarrĂĄid chĂłrais anaithnid( nĂł \( corr) nĂł \) corr\{ corrÚsĂĄid: %s ORDÚ [ARGÓINT]... nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s COMHTHÉACS ORDÚ [argĂłintĂ­] or: %s [ -c ] [-u ÚSÁIDEOIR] [-r RÓL] [-t CINEÁL] [-l RAON] ORDÚ [argĂłintĂ­] ÚsĂĄid: %s SLONN nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s COMHAD nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s COMHAD1 COMHAD2 nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s FORMÁID [ARGÓINT]... nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s ROGHA... [COMHAD]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [-s COMHARTHA | -SIGNAL] PID... nĂł: %s -l [COMHARTHA]... nĂł: %s -t [COMHARTHA]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [COMHAD]... nĂł: %s [ROGHA] ÚsĂĄid: %s [AINM] nĂł: %s ROGHA TaispeĂĄin nĂł socraigh Ăłstainm an chĂłrais reatha. ÚsĂĄid: %s [UIMHIR]... nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s [OIBREANN]... nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA] AINM... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA] [ORDÚ [ARG]...] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA] [COMHAD]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... COMHTHÉACS COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... [-u ÚSÁIDEOIR] [-r RÓL] [-l RAON] [-t CINEÁL] COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... --reference=TCOMHAD COMHAD... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... COMHADLANN... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... COMHAD PATRÚN... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... COMHAD... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... COMHAD1 COMHAD2 ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... GRÚPA COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... --reference=TCOMHAD COMHAD... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... DEIREADH nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... AONÚ DEIREADH nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... AONÚ INCRIMINT DEIREADH ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... MÓD[,MÓD]... COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... MÓD-OCHTACH COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... --reference=TCOMHAD COMHAD... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... AINM CINEÁL [PRÍOMH MION] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... AINM... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... TACAR1 [TACAR2] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [ COMHAD | ARG1 ARG2 ]] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [+FORMÁID] nĂł: %s [-u|--utc|--universal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [-T] FOINSE SPRIOC nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... FOINSE... COMHADLANN nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... -t COMHADLANN FOINSE... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [-T] FOINSE SPRIOC nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... FOINSE... COMHADLANN nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... -t COMHADLANN FOINSE... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... -d COMHADLANN... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [-] [AINM=LUACH]... [ORDÚ [ARG]...] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [COMHAD] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [COMHAD] nĂł: %s -e [ROGHA]... [ARG]... nĂł: %s -i ÍSEAL-ARD [ROGHA]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [COMHAD]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [COMHAD]... nĂł: %s [-abcdfilosx]... [COMHAD] [[+]FRITHÁIREAMH[.][b]] nĂł: %s --traditional [ROGHA]... [COMHAD] [[+]FRITHÁIREAMH[.][b] [+][LIPÉAD][.][b]] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [COMHAD]... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... --files0-from=C ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [IONCHUR [ASCHUR]] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [IONCHUR]... (gan -G) nĂł: %s -G [ROGHA]... [IONCHUR [ASCHUR]] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [ÚINÉIR][:[GRÚPA]] COMHAD... nĂł: %s [ROGHA]... --reference=TCOMHAD COMHAD... ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [TEIMPLÉAD] ÚsĂĄid: %s [ROGHA]... [ÚSÁIDEOIR]... ÚsĂĄid: %s [TEAGHRÁN]... nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: %s [argĂłintĂ­ gan ĂșsĂĄid] nĂł: %s ROGHA ÚsĂĄid: test SLONN nĂł: test nĂł: [ SLONN ] nĂł: [ ] nĂł: [ ROGHA ÚsĂĄid%ÍditheNa hargĂłintĂ­ bailĂ­:RABHADH: struchtĂșr comhadlainne ciorclach. Is cinnte, mar an gcĂ©anna, go bhfuil cĂłras comhaid truaillithe agatsa. CUIR AN FHADHB SEO IN IÚL DO RIARTHÓIR DO CHÓRAIS. TĂĄ an chomhadlann a leanas cuid den struchtĂșr ciorclach: %s Rabhadh: CathainCĂ©n ÁitLe %s agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, agus daoine eile nach iad. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s, %s, agus %s. Le %s. nĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear sloinn [=c=] i dteaghrĂĄn2 le linn aistrithe^[nN]^[yYiIsS]`nĂ­ folĂĄir ordĂș a thabhairt le coigeartĂșnĂ­ thacaĂ­tear le 'ai_family'nĂ­ thacaĂ­tear le 'ai_socktype'argĂłint dhĂ©bhrĂ­och %s chun %snĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear teormharcĂłir a thabhairt ach nuair atĂĄthar ag oibriĂș le rĂ©imsĂ­cineĂĄl cĂșltacacomhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `bloc'NĂ­l comhaid speisialta den chineĂĄl `bloc' ar fĂĄilblocnĂ­ gnĂĄth-ionchur Ă© ceann de na comhaidnĂ­ fĂ©idir comhthĂ©acs neamhiomlĂĄn a chur i bhfeidhm ar chomhad gan lipĂ©ad %snĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar chomhthĂ©acs an phrĂłisisnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a rochtainnĂ­ fĂ©idir cĂșltaca a dhĂ©anamh ar %snĂ­ fĂ©idir coimriĂș a dhĂ©anamh agus gach iontrĂĄil a thaispeĂĄintnĂ­ fĂ©idir an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de %s a athrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir na ceadanna de %s a athrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir an fhrĂ©amhchomhadlann a athrĂș go %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann oibre a athrĂș go %snĂ­ fĂ©idir chdir a dhĂ©anamh go dtĂ­ an fhrĂ©amhchomhadlannnĂ­ fĂ©idir roghanna -e agus -i a chumascnĂ­ fĂ©idir aon dĂĄ cheann de {ascii,ebcdic,ibm} a ĂșsĂĄid lena chĂ©ilenĂ­ fĂ©idir `block' agus `unblock' a ĂșsĂĄid lena chĂ©ilenĂ­ fĂ©idir `excl' agus `nocreat' a ĂșsĂĄid lena chĂ©ilenĂ­ fĂ©idir `lcase' agus `ucase' a ĂșsĂĄid lena chĂ©ilenĂ­ fĂ©idir rogha mhĂłid a chumasc leis an rogha --referencenĂ­ fĂ©idir comhartha a chumasc le -l nĂł -tnĂ­ fĂ©idir na hainmneacha comhaid %s agus %s a chur i gcomparĂĄid le chĂ©ilenĂ­ fĂ©idir U+%04X a thiontĂș chuig an fhoireann carachtar logĂĄntanĂ­ fĂ©idir U+%04X a thiontĂș chuig an fhoireann carachtar logĂĄnta: %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann %s a chĂłipeĂĄil isteach sa chomhadlann fĂ©in, %snĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc siombalach ciorclach %s a chĂłipeĂĄilnĂ­ fĂ©idir comhadlann %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir an `fifo' %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc crua %s a chruthĂș go dtĂ­ %snĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc a chruthĂș Ăł %s chuig %snĂ­ fĂ©idir gnĂĄthchomhad %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir comhad speisialta %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir an nasc siombalach %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc siombalach a dhĂ©anamh Ăł %s go %snĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a dhĂ­-thagairtnĂ­ fĂ©idir an glĂ©as agus inode de %s a dhĂ©anamh amachnĂ­ fĂ©idir an t-Ăłstainm a aimsiĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir ioctl a dhĂ©anamh ar %snĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar ainm don aitheantas grĂșpa %lunĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar ainm don aitheantas ĂșsĂĄideora %lunĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a leanĂșint de rĂ©ir a ainmnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a `fstat'nĂ­l an chomhadlann reatha ar fĂĄilnĂ­l an tosaĂ­ocht ar fĂĄilnĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar an ainm cĂłraisnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a `lseek'nĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc crua agus nasc siombalach araon a dhĂ©anamhnĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann %s a chruthĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a aistriĂș go %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann %s a aistriĂș go dtĂ­ fochomhadlann dĂĄ chuid fĂ©in, %snĂ­ fĂ©idir comhadlann a aistriĂș go dtĂ­ gnĂĄthchomhad: %s -> %snĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a oscailt chun lĂ©amhnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a oscailt chun scrĂ­obh airnĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann %s a oscailtnĂ­ fĂ©idir oibriĂș ar nasc siombalach %s gan spriocnĂ­ fĂ©idir forscrĂ­obh a dhĂ©anamh ar %s (comhadlann) le gnĂĄthchomhadnĂ­ fĂ©idir forscrĂ­obh a dhĂ©anamh ar %s (nĂ­ comhadlann Ă©) le %s (comhadlann)nĂ­ fĂ©idir aschur formĂĄidithe a dhĂ©anamhnĂ­ fĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla a chaomhnĂș gan eithne atĂĄ cumasaithe do SELinuxnĂ­ fĂ©idir "only" a thaispeĂĄint le haghaidh nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ rogha amhĂĄinnĂ­ fĂ©idir ach ainmneacha nĂł fĂ­oraitheantais a thaispeĂĄint san fhormĂĄid rĂ©amhshocraithenĂ­ fĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla nuair atĂĄ sonraithe ag an ĂșsĂĄideoirnĂ­ fĂ©idir comhadlann %s a lĂ©amhnĂ­ fĂ©idir ainmneacha comhaid a lĂ©amh Ăł %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an t-eolas faoin chĂłras comhaid a lĂ©amh do %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an clog fhĂ­or-ama a lĂ©amhnĂ­ fĂ©idir nasc siombalach %s a lĂ©amhnĂ­ fĂ©idir an tĂĄbla de chĂłrais chomhad feistithe a lĂ©amhnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a scriosadhnĂ­ fĂ©idir an dĂĄta a shocrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir leis an chĂłras seo a Ăłstainm a shocrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir an t-ainm a shocrĂș mar %snĂ­ fĂ©idir an tosaĂ­ocht a shocrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir na ceadanna de %s a shocrĂșnĂ­ fĂ©idir a ghabhĂĄil thar dheireadh an ionchuir iomlĂĄinnĂ­ fĂ©idir amanna a shocrĂș Ăł fhoinsĂ­ iomadĂșlanĂ­ fĂ©idir scoilt a dhĂ©anamh de rĂ©ir nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ dĂłigh amhĂĄinnĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a `stat'nĂ­l an chomhadlann oibre ar fĂĄil (%s anois)nĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a `touch'nĂ­ fĂ©idir dĂ­-chĂșltaca a dhĂ©anamh ar %snĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a dhĂ­nasctar Ă©is an tsaoil, nĂ­ fĂ©idir fabht san eithne a sheachaintgrĂșpa de %s ĂĄ athrĂșĂșinĂ©ireacht ar %s ĂĄ hathrĂșceadanna %s ĂĄ n-athrĂșis nialas an frithĂĄireamh carachtaircarachtar as raoncomhad speisialta den chineĂĄl `carachtar'NĂ­l comhaid speisialta den chineĂĄl `carachtar' ar fĂĄilceadanna ar %s ĂĄ nglanadhathrĂș an chloigtheip ar dhĂșnadh%s (fd=%d) ĂĄ dhĂșnadhcomhadlann %s ĂĄ dĂșnadhinchomhad %s ĂĄ dhĂșnadhaschomhad %s ĂĄ dhĂșnadhgnĂĄth-ionchur ĂĄ dhĂșnadhteaghrĂĄn ionaid le haghaidh rĂ©imsĂ­ folmha i gcoinbhleachtsonraitheoirĂ­ contrĂĄrtha um chomhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄlanĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir prĂłiseas a chruthĂș le haghaidh %s -dnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir comhad sealadach a chruthĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir iontrĂĄil chomhadlainne i %s le i-nĂłd comhoiriĂșnachnĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar am an tosaithe is dĂ©anaĂ­cruthaĂ­odh comhadlann %scomhadlann %s ĂĄ cruthĂșcomhad %s ĂĄ chruthĂș crĂ­ochnaĂ­onn liosta na dteormharcĂłirĂ­ le cĂșlslais gan Ă©alĂșchĂĄn: %scomhadlannroinnt le nialascomhadainm folamhtĂĄb folamhearrĂĄid agus comhad ĂĄ dhĂșnadhearrĂĄid le linn cuardaigh ar shlonn ionadaĂ­ochtaearrĂĄid le linn cuardaigh ar shlonn ionadaĂ­ochtaearrĂĄid agus %s ĂĄ lĂ©amhearrĂĄid agus %s ĂĄ scrĂ­obhstĂĄdas=argĂłint bhreise %soibreann breise %snĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear oibreann breise %s le -%ctheip ar chomhthĂ©acs de %s a athrĂș go %stheip ar athrĂș grĂșpa de %s go %s theip ar athrĂș ĂșinĂ©ireachta de %s theip ar athrĂș ĂșinĂ©ireachta de %s go %s theip ar chdir go dtĂ­ an chomhadlann %stheip ar chomhthĂ©acs nua a chruthĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir comhadlann a chruthĂș le teimplĂ©ad %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir comhad a chruthĂș le teimplĂ©ad %stheip ar chomhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla a chruthĂș: %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir na saintrĂ©ithe de %s a rochtainnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs reatha a fhĂĄilnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir grĂșpaĂ­ a fhĂĄil le haghaidh an phrĂłisis reathanĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir grĂșpaĂ­ a fhĂĄil le haghaidh %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir comhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla de %s a fhĂĄiltheip ar luchtĂș an chomhaid %sNĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a oscailtnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an t-Ășdar de %s a chaomhnĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an ĂșinĂ©ireacht de %s a chaomhnĂșnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir ceadanna a chaomhnĂș ar %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir amanna a chaomhnĂș ar %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an gnĂĄth-ionchur earrĂĄide a athsheoladhtheip ar %s a bhainttheip ar chomhadlann %s a bhaintnĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs rĂ©amhshocraithe cruthaithe comhad a athchĂłiriĂșnĂ­l aon fhĂĄil ar an chĂ©ad chomhadlann oibretheip ar chomhphĂĄirt chomhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla %s a shocrĂș mar %snĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs rĂ©amhshocraithe cruthaithe comhad a shocrĂș go %stheip ar stat %stheip ar fdatasync i gcomhair %stheip ar fflushtĂĄ an uimhir rĂ©imse %s rĂłmhĂłris nialas an uimhir rĂ©imsefifoTĂĄ an cineĂĄl %s roghnaithe agus fĂĄgtha astheip ar ghlao cĂłrais fork()nĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear teaghrĂĄn formĂĄide agus teaghrĂĄin ar comhfhad ĂĄ dtaispeĂĄinttheip ar fsync i gcomhair %stheip ar fts_readsaintrĂ©ithe nua de %s ĂĄ bhfĂĄilTĂĄ an grĂșpa de %s fĂłs %s nĂ­l an fheidhm iconv ar fĂĄilnĂ­ fĂ©idir an fheidhm iconv a ĂșsĂĄidid=ag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar ionchurag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar an ionchur agus an t-aschur ĂĄ iarcheangal le %sag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar an ionchur, agus an gnĂĄth-aschur earrĂĄid ĂĄ athdhĂ­riĂș go dtĂ­ an gnĂĄth-aschurtĂĄ an athrĂłg thimpeallachta TABSIZE neamhbhailĂ­: %s; ag ligean thartĂĄ an athrĂłg thimpeallachta QUOTING_STYLE neamhbhailĂ­: %s; ag ligean thartĂĄ an athrĂłg thimpeallachta COLUMNS neamhbhailĂ­: %s; ag ligean tharag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar argĂłintĂ­ nach roghanna iadrĂ©imsĂ­ neamh-chomhoiriĂșnacha ceangail %lu, %lutĂĄib Ă©aguibhreannachaionchur imithetĂĄ an lĂ­ne ionchurtha rĂłfhadaaistriĂș idir glĂ©asanna teipthe: %s go %s; nĂ­ fĂ©idir an sprioc a scriosadhcoigeartĂș neamhbhailĂ­ %sargĂłint neamhbhailĂ­ %sargĂłint neamhbhailĂ­ %s chun %sstĂ­l uimhrithe neamhbhailĂ­ don chorp: %saicme neamhbhailĂ­ charachtair %scomhthĂ©acs neamhbhailĂ­: %stiontĂș neamhbhailĂ­sonraitheoir tiontaithe neamhbhailĂ­ in iarmhĂ­r: %csonraitheoir tiontaithe neamhbhailĂ­ in iarmhĂ­r: \%.3odĂĄta neamhbhailĂ­ %sformĂĄid neamhbhailĂ­ ar an dĂĄta: %sraon neamhbhailĂ­ laghdaitheachglĂ©as neamhbhailĂ­ %s %sglĂ©as neamhbhailĂ­ %suimhir neamhbhailĂ­ rĂ©imse: %ssonraitheoir neamhbhailĂ­ rĂ©imse: %sleithead lĂ­ne neamhbhailĂ­: %suimhir neamhbhailĂ­ chomhaid i sonraitheoir rĂ©imse: %sargĂłint neamhbhailĂ­ shnĂĄmhphointe: %sstĂ­l uimhrithe neamhbhailĂ­ do bhuntĂĄisc: %sleithead neamhbhailĂ­ bearna: %sgrĂșpa neamhbhailĂ­grĂșpa neamhbhailĂ­ %sgrĂșpa neamhbhailĂ­: %sstĂ­l uimhrithe neamhbhailĂ­ do cheanntĂĄsca: %sionchur neamhbhailĂ­bratach neamhbhailĂ­ ionchurthaslĂĄnuimhir neamhbhailĂ­ %sdisciplĂ­n neamhbhailĂ­ lĂ­ne %sformĂĄid lĂ­ne-uimhreach neamhbhailĂ­: %sleithead lĂ­ne neamhbhailĂ­: %sis neamhbhailĂ­ an phrĂ­omhuimhir ghlĂ©is %sdoimhneacht uasta neamhbhailĂ­ %sis neamhbhailĂ­ an mhionuimhir ghlĂ©is %smĂłd neamhbhailĂ­mĂłd neamhbhailĂ­ %smĂłd neamhbhailĂ­: %suimhir neamhbhailĂ­ ag tĂșs rĂ©imselĂ­on neamhbhailĂ­ na mbeartis neamhbhailĂ­ lĂ­on na mbeart a chur i gcomparĂĄidis neamhbhailĂ­ lĂ­on na mbeart le ligean tharis neamhbhailĂ­ lĂ­on na rĂ©imsĂ­ le ligean tharlĂ­on na lĂ­nte neamhbhailĂ­rogha neamhbhailĂ­ -- %crogha neamhbhailĂ­ -- %c; nĂ­ ghlactar le -LEITHEAD ach nuair atĂĄ sĂ© an chĂ©ad rogha; ĂșsĂĄid -w N ina hĂĄitbratach neamhbhailĂ­ aschurthabeachtas neamhbhailĂ­: %sraon neamhbhailĂ­ gan chrĂ­och: -lĂ­on neamhbhailĂ­ na hathrĂĄite %s i gcomhstruchtĂșr [c*n]sonraĂ­ocht neamhbhailĂ­teimplĂ©ad neamhbhailĂ­, %s, tĂĄ deighilteoir comhadlainne annteimplĂ©ad neamhbhailĂ­, %s; le --tmpdir, seans nach dearbhchonair atĂĄ anntrĂ©imhse neamhbhailĂ­ %sformĂĄid neamhbhailĂ­ ar an am: %srogha neamhbhailĂ­ chun deiridh -- %cteaghrĂĄn neamhbhailĂ­ cineĂĄil %steaghrĂĄn neamhbhailĂ­ cineĂĄil %s; nĂ­l uimhreacha shnĂĄmhphointe le %lu beart le fĂĄil ar an gcĂłras seoteaghrĂĄn neamhbhailĂ­ cineĂĄil %s; nĂ­l slĂĄnuimhreacha le %lu beart le fĂĄil ar an gcĂłras seotĂĄ an t-ainm carachtair uilĂ­och \%c%0*x neamhbhailĂ­ĂșsĂĄideoir neamhbhailĂ­ĂșsĂĄideoir neamhbhailĂ­ %sainm neamhbhailĂ­ comhaid: folamhtĂĄ sĂ© contĂșirteach oibriĂș go hathchĂșrsach ar %stĂĄ sĂ© contĂșirteach oibriĂș go hathchĂșrsach ar %s (is ionann agus %s Ă©)dĂ©anach=sĂĄraĂ­odh an t-uasfhad %lu: fad %lu den ainm comhad %ssĂĄraĂ­odh an t-uasfhad %lu: fad %lu den chomhphĂĄirt ainm comhaid %sis rĂłmhĂłr an rogha -%s%c... don ĂĄireamh lĂ­ntelĂ­ne-uimhir %s nĂ­os lĂș nĂĄ an lĂ­ne-uimhir roimpi, %slĂ­ne-uimhir thar maoilcuimhne Ă­ditheciĂș teachtaireachtacomhstruchtĂșr [:upper:] agus/nĂł [:lower:] mĂ­-ailĂ­nithesonraitheoir tiontaithe %% ar iarraidh in iarmhĂ­rargĂłint ar iarraidh i ndiaidh %stĂĄ argĂłint de dhĂ­th i ndiaidh na rogha %stĂĄ sonraitheoir tiontaithe ar iarraidh in iarmhĂ­roibreann sprioc-chomhaid ar iarraidh i ndiaidh %soibreann comhaid ar iarraidhuimhir heicsidheachĂșlach ar iarraidh sa chĂłd Ă©alĂșchĂĄinliosta rĂ©imsĂ­ ar iarraidhoibreann ar iarraidhoibreann ar iarraidh i ndiaidh %scaithfidh an mĂłd na giotĂĄin cheada amhĂĄin a shonrĂșcoimeĂĄdadh an mĂłd de %s mar %04lo (%s) tĂĄb ilcharachtair %ssonraĂ­odh roghanna -i iomadĂșlaroghanna -l nĂł -t iomadĂșlasonraĂ­odh clĂĄir iomadĂșla chomhbhrĂșiteilraonta leibhĂ©ilaschomhaid iomadĂșlasonraĂ­odh formĂĄidĂ­ iomadĂșla aschurthasonraĂ­odh foinsĂ­ iomadĂșla randamachail-rĂłlannasonraĂ­odh sprioc-chomhadlanna iomadĂșlailchineĂĄlachailĂșsĂĄideoirĂ­nĂ­or athraĂ­odh nasc siombalach %s nĂĄ a thagrĂĄn nĂ­l an athrĂłg thimpeallachta SHELL ar fĂĄil, agus nĂ­ thugtar rogha den chineĂĄl blaoiscenĂ­or athraĂ­odh an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de %s nĂ­or sonraĂ­odh ordĂș ar bithnĂ­or prĂłiseĂĄladh aon chĂłrais chomhaidnĂ­l aon chomhad fĂĄgthanĂ­l aon ainm logĂĄilte isteach annnĂ­or tugadh aitheantas prĂłisis ar bithnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear sonrĂș cineĂĄil agus teaghrĂĄin ĂĄ ndumpĂĄilis gĂĄ ainm ĂșsĂĄideora amhĂĄin a thabhairt ar a laghad le -lcarachtar neamhiompartha %s in ainm comhaid %snĂ­ tty Ă©nĂ­ scrĂ­obhfar trĂ­ nasc siombalach %s gan spriocfrithĂĄireamh thar maoil agus comhad %s ĂĄ lĂ©amhcomhadlann %s ĂĄ fĂĄgĂĄil ar lĂĄrnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear ach comhstruchtĂșr [c*] amhĂĄin i teaghrĂĄn2nĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear ach glĂ©as amhĂĄin a bheith ceapthanĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear liostaĂ­ iomadĂșlatheip ar oscailtĂșsĂĄideadh an rogha i gcomhthĂ©acs neamhbhailĂ­ -- %ctĂĄ an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de %s gan athrĂș tĂĄ an t-ĂșinĂ©ir de %s fĂłs %s leathanach rĂłchĂșngceadanna ar %s ĂĄ gcaomhnĂșamanna ĂĄ gcaomhnĂș le haghaidh %sIs gan chiall lĂ­nte dĂșblacha AGUS lĂ­on na hathrĂĄite a thaispeĂĄintearrĂĄid sa lĂ©amhtheip ar lĂ©amhcomhadlann %s ĂĄ lĂ©amhtĂĄ an taifead rĂłmhĂłrgnĂĄthchomhad folamhgnĂĄthchomhad%s scriosta comhadlann %s ĂĄ baintleibhĂ©al feidhmithesĂ©amafĂłrnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear deighilteoir folamhbratacha ĂĄ socraithe le haghaidh %sceadanna ar %s ĂĄ socrĂșamanna de %s ĂĄ socrĂșcomhad comhchuimhneis rĂłmhĂłr skip-bytes + read-bytesag gabhĂĄil thar %s, de bhrĂ­ go bhfuil sĂ© ar ghlĂ©as difriĂșilag gabhĂĄil thar an chomhad %s; bhĂ­ sĂ© curtha as ĂĄit agus ĂĄ chĂłipeĂĄilsoicĂ©adgnĂĄth-aschur earrĂĄidegnĂĄth-ionchurtĂĄ an gnĂĄth-ionchur dĂșntagnĂĄth-aschurstat() teipthecarachtar ar seachrĂĄn i sonrĂș rĂ©imsetheip ar chomparĂĄid idir teaghrĂĄintheip ar thiontĂș teaghrĂĄinchrĂ­ochnaigh "strip" gan an chĂșis a mhĂ­niĂșnĂ­ cheiltear lĂ­nte gan teormharcĂłirĂ­ ach nuair atĂĄthar ag oibriĂș le rĂ©imsĂ­nasc siombalachnĂ­ fĂ©idir mĂ©id tĂĄib nialasachtĂĄ carachta(i)r neamhbhailĂ­ sa mhĂ©id tĂĄib: %scaithfidh na mĂ©ideanna tĂĄib a bheith ardaitheachis rĂłmhĂłr an tĂĄbstop %sis rĂłmhĂłr an luach tĂĄbstoiptĂĄib rĂłfhada Ăł chĂ©ilenĂ­ comhadlann Ă© an sprioc-chomhad %snĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear sprioc-chomhadlann agus comhadlann ĂĄ suiteĂĄilteirm=test agus/nĂł [tĂĄ na roghanna --binary agus --text gan bhrĂ­ agus suimeanna seiceĂĄla ĂĄ bhfĂ­orĂștĂĄ an rogha --status gan bhrĂ­ ach amhĂĄin nuair atĂĄthar ag fĂ­orĂș suimeanna seiceĂĄlatĂĄ an rogha --warn gan bhrĂ­ ach amhĂĄin nuair atĂĄthar ag fĂ­orĂș suimeanna seiceĂĄlanĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear [c*] i dteaghrĂĄn2 ach nuair atĂĄthar ag aistriĂșnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear an comhstruchtĂșr [c*] i teaghrĂĄn1is gĂĄ an teormharcĂłir a bheith ina charachtar aonarachis comheisiatach iad na roghanna d'aschur foclach agus d'aschur stty-inlĂ©iteis comheisiatach iad na roghanna chun an bunachar sonraĂ­ dircolors a aschur agus na roghanna chun comhrĂ©ire blaoisce a roghnĂșnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear na roghanna chun an t-am a thaispeĂĄint agus shocrĂș le chĂ©ileis comheisiatach iad na roghanna chun dĂĄtaĂ­ a cheapadh le priontĂĄilnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear an rogha --strip agus comhadlann ĂĄ suiteĂĄilis as raon an t-am %seaspa Xanna i dteimplĂ©ad %san iomarca sonraitheoirĂ­ tiontaithe %% in iarmhĂ­ran iomarca carachtar sa tacaran iomarca lĂ­nte dĂșblachaan iomarca teimplĂ©adiomlĂĄncomhad cuimhne le cineĂĄlnĂ­ fĂ©idir an chomhadlann oibre a thaifeadnĂ­ fĂ©idir comhthĂ©acs slĂĄndĂĄla %s a shocrĂștĂĄ an athrĂłg thimpeallachta LS_COLORS neamhbhailĂ­oibreann anaithnid %srĂ©imĂ­r anaithnid: %sbain ĂșsĂĄid as --no-preserve-root chun na cosanta seo a shĂĄrĂșag feitheamh le %s [-d]ag feitheamh le "strip"rabhadh: %s: ag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar charachtair i ndiaidh tairiseach carachtairrabhadh: %s: nĂ­orbh fhĂ©idir an comhthĂ©acs a athrĂș go %srabhadh: nĂ­l --pid=PID ar fĂĄil ar an gcĂłras seorabhadh: rinneadh neamhshuim ar PID; nĂ­l --pid=PID tairbheach mura bhfuiltear ag leanĂșintrabhadh: cĂșlslais gan Ă©alĂșchĂĄn ag deireadh an teaghrĂĄin agus nĂ­ inaistrithe Ă© seorabhadh: cĂșlslais ag deireadh na formĂĄiderabhadh: nĂ­ fĂ©idir %s a scriosadhrabhadh: nĂ­l maith ar bith i lorg an ghnĂĄth-ionchur gan teorainn amarabhadh: ag dĂ©anamh neamhshuim ar argĂłintĂ­ breise, Ăł %s amachrabhadh: frithĂĄireamh neamhbhailĂ­ i ndiaidh lĂ©amh teiptherabhadh: leithead neamhbhailĂ­ %lu; bainfear ĂșsĂĄid as %d ina ionadrabhadh: is ionann lĂ­ne-uimhir %s agus an lĂ­ne-uimhir roimpirabhadh: comhad foinse %s tugtha nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ uair amhĂĄinrabhadh: tagann an coimriĂș agus --max-depth=%lu salach ar a chĂ©ilerabhadh: is ionann iad coimriĂș agus --max-depth=0rabhadh: lĂ©irmhĂ­neofar an t-Ă©alĂșchĂĄn dĂ©bhrĂ­och ochtnĂĄrtha \%c%c%c mar an seicheamh dhĂĄ bheart: \0%c%c, %crabhadh: ag seachaint fabht eithne `lseek' don chomhad (%s) de mt_type=0x%0lx -- fĂ©ach ar le haghaidh liosta cineĂĄlachacomhad aisteachmura bhfuiltear ag teascadh tacar1, nĂ­ fĂ©idir teaghrĂĄn2 a bheith folamhnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear comhad darbh ainm %s agus ainmneacha comhaid ĂĄ lĂ©amh Ăłn ghnĂĄth-ionchurnĂ­ cheadaĂ­tear mĂłid a shocrĂș agus an fhormĂĄid aschurtha a cheapadhnĂ­ folĂĄir do theaghrĂĄn2 na carachtair ar fad a mhapĂĄil go carachtar singil le linn aistrithe le haicme charachtair comhlĂĄnaithenĂ­ chĂłipeĂĄlfar %s trĂ­ nasc siombalach %s a cruthaĂ­odh anois beagnĂ­ chruthĂłfar nasc crua %s go dtĂ­ comhadlann %sdiĂșltaĂ­odh forscrĂ­obh ar an chomhad nua %s le %sle --parents, caithfidh an sprioc-chomhad a bheith ina chomhadlannearrĂĄid sa scrĂ­obhearrĂĄid sa scrĂ­obh le haghaidh %stheip ar scrĂ­obhĂĄ scrĂ­obh i %scaithfidh tĂș -c, -t, -u, -l, -r, nĂł comhthĂ©acs a shonrĂșnĂ­ folĂĄir duit liosta bearta, carachtair, nĂł rĂ©imsĂ­ a cheapadhPRIuMAX%+% records in %+% records out % truncated record % truncated records offset too large: cannot truncate to a length of seek=% (%lu-byte) blocks%s: %: improperly formatted %s checksum linestarting page number % exceeds page count %Page %%+% taifead isteach %+% taifead amach % taifead teasctha % thaifead teasctha % thaifead teasctha % dtaifead teasctha % taifead teasctha frithĂĄireamh rĂłmhĂłr: nĂ­ fĂ©idir teascadh go fad % (%lu beart) bloc%s: %: lĂ­ne mhĂ­chumtha le suim sheiceĂĄla %stĂĄ an uimhir leathanach tosaigh % nĂ­os mĂł nĂĄ lĂ­on na leathanach %Leathanach %