/** * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ import "objidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; import "xpsobjectmodel.idl"; cpp_quote("#include ") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)") cpp_quote("#if NTDDI_VERSION >= 0x06010000") typedef enum { XPS_JOB_IN_PROGRESS = 0, XPS_JOB_COMPLETED = 1, XPS_JOB_CANCELLED = 2, XPS_JOB_FAILED = 3 } XPS_JOB_COMPLETION; typedef struct { UINT32 jobId; INT32 currentDocument; INT32 currentPage; INT32 currentPageTotal; XPS_JOB_COMPLETION completion; HRESULT jobStatus; } XPS_JOB_STATUS; [object, uuid (7a77dc5f-45d6-4dff-9307-d8cb846347ca), pointer_default (unique)] interface IXpsPrintJobStream : ISequentialStream { [local] HRESULT Close (); } [object, uuid (5ab89b06-8194-425f-ab3b-d7a96e350161), pointer_default (unique)] interface IXpsPrintJob : IUnknown { [local] HRESULT Cancel (); [local] HRESULT GetJobStatus ([out, retval] XPS_JOB_STATUS *jobStatus); } cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI StartXpsPrintJob (LPCWSTR printerName, LPCWSTR jobName, LPCWSTR outputFileName, HANDLE progressEvent, HANDLE completionEvent, UINT8 *printablePagesOn, UINT32 printablePagesOnCount, IXpsPrintJob **xpsPrintJob, IXpsPrintJobStream **documentStream, IXpsPrintJobStream **printTicketStream);") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI StartXpsPrintJob1 (LPCWSTR printerName, LPCWSTR jobName, LPCWSTR outputFileName, HANDLE progressEvent, HANDLE completionEvent, IXpsPrintJob **xpsPrintJob, IXpsOMPackageTarget **printContentReceiver);") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#endif")