/** * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package. */ cpp_quote("#include ") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)") import "objidl.idl"; cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef _INC_WSDAPI") cpp_quote("#error Please include wsdapi.h instead of this header. This header cannot be used directly.") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") interface IWSDAttachment; interface IWSDInboundAttachment; interface IWSDOutboundAttachment; cpp_quote("") [object, uuid (5d55a616-9df8-4b09-b156-9ba351a48b76)] interface IWSDAttachment : IUnknown { } cpp_quote("") [object, local, uuid (5bd6ca65-233c-4fb8-9f7a-2641619655c9)] interface IWSDInboundAttachment : IWSDAttachment { HRESULT Read ([out, size_is (dwBytesToRead), length_is (*pdwNumberOfBytesRead)] BYTE *pBuffer,[in] DWORD dwBytesToRead,[out] LPDWORD pdwNumberOfBytesRead); HRESULT Close (); } cpp_quote("") [object, local, uuid (aa302f8d-5a22-4ba5-b392-aa8486f4c15d)] interface IWSDOutboundAttachment : IWSDAttachment { HRESULT Write ([in, size_is (dwBytesToWrite)] const BYTE *pBuffer,[in] DWORD dwBytesToWrite,[out] LPDWORD pdwNumberOfBytesWritten); HRESULT Close (); HRESULT Abort (); } cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WSDCreateOutboundAttachment(IWSDOutboundAttachment **ppAttachment);") cpp_quote("#endif")