/** * This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain. * This file is part of the mingw-w64 runtime package. * No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER.PD within this package. */ cpp_quote("#include ") cpp_quote("#if WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP)") #ifndef DO_NO_IMPORTS import "unknwn.idl"; import "wtypes.idl"; import "netcfgx.idl"; #endif cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(8d84bd35-e227-11d2-b700-00a0c98a6a85), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback : IUnknown { typedef [v1_enum] enum tagNCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER { NCRL_NDIS = 1, NCRL_TDI = 2 } NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER; HRESULT SendPnpReconfig ([in] NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER Layer, [in] LPCWSTR pszwUpper, [in] LPCWSTR pszwLower, [in] PVOID pvData, [in] DWORD dwSizeOfData); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238df-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentControl : IUnknown { HRESULT Initialize ([in] INetCfgComponent *pIComp, [in] INetCfg *pINetCfg, [in] WINBOOL fInstalling); HRESULT ApplyRegistryChanges (); HRESULT ApplyPnpChanges ([in] INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback *pICallback); HRESULT CancelChanges (); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238e3-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentSetup : IUnknown { typedef [v1_enum] enum tagNETWORK_INSTALL_TIME { NSF_PRIMARYINSTALL = 0x00000001, NSF_POSTSYSINSTALL = 0x00000002 } NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME; typedef [v1_enum] enum tagNETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE { NSF_WIN16_UPGRADE = 0x00000010, NSF_WIN95_UPGRADE = 0x00000020, NSF_WINNT_WKS_UPGRADE = 0x00000040, NSF_WINNT_SVR_UPGRADE = 0x00000080, NSF_WINNT_SBS_UPGRADE = 0x00000100, NSF_COMPONENT_UPDATE = 0x00000200 } NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE; HRESULT Install ([in] DWORD dwSetupFlags); HRESULT Upgrade ([in] DWORD dwSetupFlags, [in] DWORD dwUpgradeFomBuildNo ); HRESULT ReadAnswerFile ([in] LPCWSTR pszwAnswerFile, [in] LPCWSTR pszwAnswerSections); HRESULT Removing (); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238e0-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentPropertyUi : IUnknown { typedef [v1_enum] enum tagDEFAULT_PAGES { DPP_ADVANCED = 1, } DEFAULT_PAGES; HRESULT QueryPropertyUi ([in] IUnknown *pUnkReserved); HRESULT SetContext ([in] IUnknown *pUnkReserved); HRESULT MergePropPages ([in, out] DWORD *pdwDefPages, [out] BYTE **pahpspPrivate, [out] UINT *pcPages, [in] HWND hwndParent, [in] LPCWSTR *pszStartPage); HRESULT ValidateProperties ([in] HWND hwndSheet); HRESULT ApplyProperties (); HRESULT CancelProperties (); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238e1-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentNotifyBinding : IUnknown { typedef [v1_enum] enum tagBIND_FLAGS1 { NCN_ADD = 0x00000001, NCN_REMOVE = 0x00000002, NCN_UPDATE = 0x00000004, NCN_ENABLE = 0x00000010, NCN_DISABLE = 0x00000020, NCN_BINDING_PATH = 0x00000100, NCN_PROPERTYCHANGE = 0x00000200, NCN_NET = 0x00010000, NCN_NETTRANS = 0x00020000, NCN_NETCLIENT = 0x00040000, NCN_NETSERVICE = 0x00080000 } BIND_FLAGS1; HRESULT QueryBindingPath ([in] DWORD dwChangeFlag, [in] INetCfgBindingPath *pIPath); HRESULT NotifyBindingPath ([in] DWORD dwChangeFlag, [in] INetCfgBindingPath *pIPath); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238e2-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentNotifyGlobal : IUnknown { HRESULT GetSupportedNotifications ([out] DWORD *dwNotifications); HRESULT SysQueryBindingPath ([in] DWORD dwChangeFlag, [in] INetCfgBindingPath *pIPath); HRESULT SysNotifyBindingPath ([in] DWORD dwChangeFlag, [in] INetCfgBindingPath *pIPath); HRESULT SysNotifyComponent ([in] DWORD dwChangeFlag, [in] INetCfgComponent *pIComp); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(932238e4-bea1-11d0-9298-00c04fc99dcf), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentUpperEdge : IUnknown { HRESULT GetInterfaceIdsForAdapter ([in] INetCfgComponent *pAdapter, [out] DWORD *pdwNumInterfaces, [out] GUID **ppguidInterfaceIds); HRESULT AddInterfacesToAdapter ([in] INetCfgComponent *pAdapter, [in] DWORD dwNumInterfaces); HRESULT RemoveInterfacesFromAdapter ([in] INetCfgComponent *pAdapter, [in] DWORD dwNumInterfaces, [in] const GUID *pguidInterfaceIds); }; cpp_quote("") [object, uuid(c08956a6-1cd3-11d1-b1c5-00805fc1270e), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetLanConnectionUiInfo : IUnknown { HRESULT GetDeviceGuid ([out] GUID *pguid); }; cpp_quote("") [object, uuid(faedcf58-31fe-11d1-aad2-00805fc1270e), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetRasConnectionIpUiInfo : IUnknown { typedef enum tagRASCON_IPUI_FLAGS { RCUIF_VPN = 0x00000001, RCUIF_DEMAND_DIAL = 0x00000002, RCUIF_NOT_ADMIN = 0x00000004, RCUIF_USE_IPv4_STATICADDRESS = 0x00000008, RCUIF_USE_IPv4_NAME_SERVERS = 0x00000010, RCUIF_USE_IPv4_REMOTE_GATEWAY = 0x00000020, RCUIF_USE_IPv4_EXPLICIT_METRIC = 0x00000040, RCUIF_USE_HEADER_COMPRESSION = 0x00000080, RCUIF_USE_DISABLE_REGISTER_DNS = 0x00000100, RCUIF_USE_PRIVATE_DNS_SUFFIX = 0x00000200, RCUIF_ENABLE_NBT = 0x00000400, RCUIF_USE_IPv6_STATICADDRESS = 0x00000800, RCUIF_USE_IPv6_NAME_SERVERS = 0x00001000, RCUIF_USE_IPv6_REMOTE_GATEWAY = 0x00002000, RCUIF_USE_IPv6_EXPLICIT_METRIC = 0x00004000, RCUIF_DISABLE_CLASS_BASED_ROUTE = 0x00008000 } RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS; typedef struct tagRASCON_IPUI { GUID guidConnection; WINBOOL fIPv6Cfg; DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR pszwIpAddr[16]; WCHAR pszwDnsAddr[16]; WCHAR pszwDns2Addr[16]; WCHAR pszwWinsAddr[16]; WCHAR pszwWins2Addr[16]; WCHAR pszwDnsSuffix[256]; WCHAR pszwIpv6Addr[65]; DWORD dwIpv6PrefixLength; WCHAR pszwIpv6DnsAddr[65]; WCHAR pszwIpv6Dns2Addr[65]; DWORD dwIPv4InfMetric; DWORD dwIPv6InfMetric; } RASCON_IPUI; HRESULT GetUiInfo ([out] RASCON_IPUI *pInfo); }; cpp_quote("") [local, object, uuid(c0e8ae9a-306e-11d1-aacf-00805fc1270e), pointer_default(unique)] interface INetCfgComponentSysPrep : IUnknown { HRESULT SaveAdapterParameters([in] INetCfgSysPrep *pncsp, [in] LPCWSTR pszwAnswerSections, [in] GUID *pAdapterInstanceGuid); HRESULT RestoreAdapterParameters([in] LPCWSTR pszwAnswerFile, [in] LPCWSTR pszwAnswerSection, [in] GUID *pAdapterInstanceGuid); }; cpp_quote("#endif /* WINAPI_FAMILY_PARTITION(WINAPI_PARTITION_DESKTOP) */")